東芝、最新CPUを搭載した世界最軽量のモバイルパソコン「dynabook SS RX2」シリーズを発売
(東芝/ノートパソコン/RX2/T9GG RX2/T9G RX2/T8GG RX2/T7GG RX2/T8G RX2/T7G RX2/S7G)
-- 2008年9月9日/ノートパソコン
Thursday, September 11, 2008
dynabook SS RX2
急増する携帯電話によるメール活用と実態 PDF
白井靖敏 2002
具体的にみると、毎日のメール送受信に、回答学生の89%が携帯電話を利用している一方、パソコンでは5%にすぎなかった。さらに、メールにパソコンを利用しない学生は約40%もあった (p.114)
情報探求性尺度の作成と大学生のメディア利用の実態について PDF
五十嵐 祐 2004
次に、大学生のメディアの利用状況について検討した結果、社会的情報環境のうち、テレビ、本、雑誌、新聞といった従来型のマスメディアの重要度が高く評定され、視聴(購読)時間も比較的長いことが明らかとなった。一方、インターネットのホームページは、パソコン、携帯電話のいずれからもほとんど利用されておらず、重要度も低いことが示された。また、対人的情報環境のうち、携帯メールは最も重要度が高く、利用時間や利用回数も多かったのに対して、電子メールは全く利用されていなかった。一方、従来型のコミュニケーションメディアである電話は、平均的な頻度で利用されていた。これらのことから、大学生は従来型のマスメディアから多くの情報を収集する傍らで、新たに携帯メールを通じたコミュニケーションによって、他者からも活発に情報を収集している可能性が考えられる。しかし、インターネットのホームページや電子メールなどの新しいメディアは、ほとんど利用されていなかった。このことは、インターネットの普及が進んでいるにもかかわらず、若年層はコミュニケーションの手段として携帯メールのみを利用しており、情報の探索手段として本来インターネットが持つ利便性を享受できていない可能性を示唆する。つまり、インターネットの普及が、世代間のデジタル・デバイド(情報格差)を生み出していることが考えられる(木村, 2001)。(p.8)
大阪市立大学携帯OPAC の2005 年のログ分析 PDF
教育課程における情報教育の課題とWBT(Web Based Training)の役割 PDF
大学生の持つ情報環境と技能・意識の変化 PDF
情報基礎教育に有効なグループ分け指標に関する一考察 PDF
岐阜市立女子短期大学に於けるパーソナルコンピュータの利用と、その教育に関する調査 PDF
進化するメディア―携帯電話 PDF
学習コミュニティを支えるメディア環境 PDF
保育学科における情報教育のあり方についての検討(1) PDF 2005
大学講義における携帯電話導入の経緯とそのアセスメントについて PDF
インターネット依存および携帯メール依存のメカニズムの検討 PDF
<論稿> 教育学部学生の情報リテラシー教育の最適化に関する研究 (I) : 入学直後から 3 カ月後への変化
情報機器利用の規定要因 PDF
teaching context
Why Do We Educate?
Why Do We Educate? Renewing the Conversation
Book Description
Contents (幅広い!)
Edited by: David Coulter, John Weins and GARY D FENSTERMACHER
Blackwell, 2008
Book Description
Contents (幅広い!)
Edited by: David Coulter, John Weins and GARY D FENSTERMACHER
Blackwell, 2008
Bernaus & Cardner 2008
Teacher Motivation Strategies, Student Perceptions, Student Motivation, and English Achievement
The Modern Language Journal
Volume 92 Issue 3, Pages 387 - 401
Published Online: 28 Aug 2008
The Modern Language Journal
Volume 92 Issue 3, Pages 387 - 401
Published Online: 28 Aug 2008
This study investigated language teaching strategies, as reported by teachers and students, and the effects of these strategies on students' motivation and English achievement. The participants consisted of 31 English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers and their students (N= 694) in Catalonia, Spain. The teachers and students rated the frequency of use of 26 strategies in their classes. In addition, the students were tested on their attitudes, motivation, and language anxiety with the mini-Attitude Motivation Test Battery (AMTB; Gardner & MacIntyre, 1993) and completed objective tests of English achievement.
The results indicated that the teachers and students agreed on the relative frequency of some strategies but not on the frequency of other strategies and that, although the teachers' reported use of motivational and traditional strategies was not related to the students' English achievement, attitudes, motivation, or language anxiety, the students' perceptions of these strategies tended to be related to their attitudes and motivation at both the individual and class levels. In addition, when the students were the unit of analysis, there was a negative correlation between the students' ratings of the frequency of traditional strategy use and English achievement. Path analysis indicated that integrativeness, attitudes toward the learning situation, and instrumental orientation predicted the motivation to learn English and that motivation was a positive predictor of English achievement, whereas attitudes toward the learning situation and language anxiety were negative predictors of English achievement. Hierarchical linear modelling analysis confirmed these findings but indicated that the effects of strategies are much more complex than previously thought. Strategy use as reported by the teachers did not influence the regression coefficients for any of the predictors, but strategy use reported by students had a positive effect on the predictability of motivation on English achievement.
Innovating teaching in context: Asia
Call for submissions
Innovating teaching in context: Asia
Call for submissions
Innovating teaching in context: Asia
The objective of this volume is to gather the voices of teachers/researchers based in Asia to help define what makes the Asian experience unique, and how that experience can help to inform ELT theory, practice, and methodology.
The EFL context, including Asia, has tended to be defined by outsiders looking in. From Hofstede's (1991) research into cultural differences, and Kachru's (1992) depiction of different circles of language influence, to leading ELT theories and methodologies such as those associated with TBL, ideas about the EFL context are generally disseminated from Inner Circle countries outward.
Yet there are a number of dedicated and professional teachers/researchers based in Asia who are likely better placed to help define the Asian EFL experience: how its needs are different from ESL contexts and therefore uniquely EFL. However, those voices have been intermittent in their representation in the literature, with occasional articles in internationally refereed journals or scattered chapters in books hidden among the many voices from Inner Circle countries.
As co-editors, we are calling for abstracts that deal with research both based in the Asian context, and about the Asian context; research that helps to inform and interpret theory and practice in our context. We are interested in articles which deal with some of the following issues:
1. Establishing the context*: Papers which define or explain the Asian context, or facets of it.
2. Innovating practice*: Papers which describe and explore how Asian-based practitioners drive methodological innovation.
3. Innovating theory*: Papers which describe and explore how Asian-based practitioners interpret and reinterpret ELT theory to fit their regional or local contexts.
4. Other topics related to teaching English in Asia that don't necessarily fit easily into the above three categories.
*Some subtopics that could be appropriate include: motivation, learner autonomy, 4-skills, Extensive Reading, learning strategies, Extensive Writing, learner identity, input/output hypothesis, vocabulary acquisition, consciousness raising, washback, functional grammar, task-based learning and classroom discourse analysis.
This is a proposed volume, and after receiving abstracts we will screen in appropriate proposals, then invite the short-listed contributors to send their full papers. After receiving the full papers, we will send the proposal package to a major publisher for consideration. While we've had some expression of interest from a publisher, the volume must go through the regular vetting cycle, and so there is no guarantee that the volume will be published. That being said, we are quite confident that a volume of this nature would be a significant and needed contribution to the field.
If you are interested in contributing to this proposed volume, please send your abstracts toby February 28th, 2009. Abstract authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection of the proposal by March 31st, 2009, and contributors will be asked to send their complete articles by November 30th, 2009. We intend to submit the proposal to publishers by December 31st, 2009, for hopeful publication in 2010.
Abstracts should be up to 500 words in length, and should include information about the specific, local context being explored, and how observations from that context could potentially inform other teacher/researchers in similar contexts. Again, we hope to define and explain what it means to teach English in Asia, and to disseminate our collective understanding of our contexts to the rest of the ELT community. We hope this volume will help to inform teacher education and practice in Asia for some time to come.
Thanks for your time and consideration. We are looking forward to receiving your abstracts and/or expressions of interest.
Please feel free to forward this call to potentially interested colleagues, or to post it to appropriate mailing lists.
teaching context,
Computer Skills
The University of Melbourne
Information Division Interim Statement of Basic Expectations of Student Computer Skills
Information Division Interim Statement of Basic Expectations of Student Computer Skills
1. Operating Systems and File Management.
Students are expected to understand and effectively use the operating systems of their designated computer and be competent in such areas as file management, local back-ups and file transfers.
2. University Regulations and Ethics
Regarding the use of IT Equipment and Systems.
Students are expected to understand and apply the University regulations regarding the use of computer equipment and services and be aware of the ethical requirements of their use.
3. Structured Document Preparation.
Students are expected to be able to create complex structured documents using a word processor application recommended by the University, including the use of "Styles", automatic table of contents and index.
4. E-mail
Students should be able to send and receive electronic mail between any two computers that are connected to the Internet. Those who use a computer outside the University for their studies are expected to have (whether through their own skills or through private IT support arrangements) the ability to configure and use their internet connection, whether it be dial-up or via an office LAN. Students and staff should be aware of: techniques for sending and receiving attachments using electronic mail; operation and function of Mailserver lists; file management and filtering of electronic mail; security and ethical issues of using electronic mail; backup and/or archiving electronic mail for future reference.
5. Presentation Techniques and Skills.
Students are expected to be competent in the use of presentation applications and related Audio Visual equipment for communication of materials to small and large groups.
6. Keyboard Skills
Students should develop effective keyboard typing skills as early as possible.
7. Internet
Students should make effective (example: search strategies) use of the Internet for finding information. Students should be competent in the use of standard WWW browsers and should be able to use information searching techniques, bookmarks, browser configuration options and plug - ins available for Netscape and other browsers.
computer skills,
learner diversity,
Computer Skills
List of Computer Skills (Year 6)
List of Computer Skills addressed by the Year 6 Computer Skills Assessment(NSW Public Schools)
This is a list of skills that are developed by Stage 3 students as they use computers in context across all subjects. The list has been collated from all K-6 syllabus documents by teams of teachers and consultants. It will continue to be refined as syllabus documents, and technolgy used in classrooms change.
# Computer Operations and Concepts
# Using computer-based technologies to manipulate, create, store and retrieve information to express ideas and communicate with others.# Using computer-based technologies to locate, access, evaluate, store and retrieve information and to express ideas and communicate with others.
- Word Processing
- Graphics
- Multi-media
# Using computer-based technologies to locate, access, evaluate, store and retrieve information.
- Internet
- Spreadsheets
- Databases
computer skills,
learner diversity,
Learner Diversity
Student Diversity and Learning Needs. (Eric Digest)
ERIC Identifier: ED412527
Publication Date: 1997-00-00
Author: Sanacore, Joseph
Source: ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading English and Communication Bloomington IN.
ERIC Identifier: ED412527
Publication Date: 1997-00-00
Author: Sanacore, Joseph
Source: ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading English and Communication Bloomington IN.
Learner Diversity
Diversity and Learner-Centered Education
Mahendra, N., Bayles, K. A., Tomoeda, C. K., & Kim, E. S. (2005, Nov. 29). Diversity and learner-centered education. The ASHA Leader, p. 12-13, 18-19.
culture の面中心
Mahendra, N., Bayles, K. A., Tomoeda, C. K., & Kim, E. S. (2005, Nov. 29). Diversity and learner-centered education. The ASHA Leader, p. 12-13, 18-19.
culture の面中心
Learner Diversity
Virtual Learner Centred Approaches for Diversity in Learning: Recent Experiments With a Blog and Wiki's
Walter Baets
Euromed Marseille Ecole de Management
Keywords: Sustainable learning approaches, pedagogical innovation, contemporary business school curricula, the contribution of higher education to sustainable economic development
JEL Classifications: I20
Working Paper Series
Walter Baets
Euromed Marseille Ecole de Management
Co-creation in diversity is today a matter of necessity, not choice. Sustainable value creation cannot be seen independently from the economic culture in which it should blossom. Textbooks and learning approaches are indeed highly context bound. However, different learning approaches, translating cultural diversity, can seriously enrich mutual learning. In this contribution, a different pedagogical model is proposed, that allows not only to host diversity in learning, but even more so that allows to learn from diversity. CoPs (communities of practice) are used as an integral part of the pedagogical model. This model advances the notion of diversity as an asset of outstanding value, within any given economic reality.
Keywords: Sustainable learning approaches, pedagogical innovation, contemporary business school curricula, the contribution of higher education to sustainable economic development
JEL Classifications: I20
Working Paper Series
learner diversity
Learner Diversity
Teaching Foreing Languages K12 Workshop > Analyze the video
cf. Valuing Diversity in Learners
1. How do you define diversity in learners?
In this section, Professor Haley describes different ways to define diversity. The teachers then describe the learner diversity in their classrooms and share strategies for learning about students' interests and needs.
- Surveys and classroom observations were mentioned as techniques for learning about students. What other strategies might a teacher use to learn about students' backgrounds and learning preferences?
- In what ways did Ms. Terry use the Spanish heritage of her students to help them learn French? What additional approaches might a teacher use to help students whose heritage language is not the target language?
cf. Valuing Diversity in Learners
Learner Diversity
Action Research: Exploring Learner Diversity
McPherson, Pam
Source: The entity from which ERIC acquires the content, including journal, organization, and conference names, or by means of online submission from the author.
Prospect, v12 n1 p50-62 May 1997
Note: Used from 2005 onward. More Info:
Publisher: N/A
Publication Date: 1997-00-00
Pages: N/A
Pub Types: Journal Articles; Reports - Research
Abstract: Outlines a classroom-based action research project conducted in an Australian adult migrant English service class. The project explored the profiles and needs of disparate learner groups and trialed teaching and learning strategies, course design, classroom tasks and materials, classroom, interaction and learner groupings. (16 references) (Adjunct ERIC Clearinghouse for ESL Literacy Education) (Author/CK)
McPherson, Pam
Source: The entity from which ERIC acquires the content, including journal, organization, and conference names, or by means of online submission from the author.
Prospect, v12 n1 p50-62 May 1997
Note: Used from 2005 onward. More Info:
Publisher: N/A
Publication Date: 1997-00-00
Pages: N/A
Pub Types: Journal Articles; Reports - Research
Abstract: Outlines a classroom-based action research project conducted in an Australian adult migrant English service class. The project explored the profiles and needs of disparate learner groups and trialed teaching and learning strategies, course design, classroom tasks and materials, classroom, interaction and learner groupings. (16 references) (Adjunct ERIC Clearinghouse for ESL Literacy Education) (Author/CK)
learner diversity,
Learner Diversity
Addressing Learner Diversity by Promoting Flexibility in e-Learning Environments
Maia Dimitrova, Global Campus Project Middlesex University
Chris Sadler, Global Campus Project Middlesex University
Stylianos Hatzipanagos, Global Campus Project Middlesex University
Alan Murphy, Global Campus Project Middlesex University
Addressing Learner Diversity by Promoting Flexibility in e-Learning Environments
Maia Dimitrova, Chris Sadler, Stylianos Hatzipanagos, Alan Murphy
Proceedings of the 14th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications, Page: 287
Year of Publication: 2003
Maia Dimitrova, Global Campus Project Middlesex University
Chris Sadler, Global Campus Project Middlesex University
Stylianos Hatzipanagos, Global Campus Project Middlesex University
Alan Murphy, Global Campus Project Middlesex University
Addressing Learner Diversity by Promoting Flexibility in e-Learning Environments
Maia Dimitrova, Chris Sadler, Stylianos Hatzipanagos, Alan Murphy
Proceedings of the 14th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications, Page: 287
Year of Publication: 2003
e-Learning has opened a multitude of possibilities forteaching and learning. As the market matures there is ademand for more effective and cost-efficient learninginterventions that meet the learning needs of the diverselearner population. Currently, however, very few teachingattempts have been made to match the pedagogical stylesunderlying e-Learning interventions to students' diverselearning styles. Information and communicationtechnologies can provide a variety of ways for adaptinglearning environments to students learning styles,although they are not often used to their full potential.In the Global Campus (GC) project at MiddlesexUniversity, we studied the differences in the learningstyles of our distance and classroom students. We thenexamined the electronic learning resources and underlyingpedagogical approach to establish how effectively theyaccommodate the diverse learning styles of the students.Finally, we proposed some measures to improve the e-learningenvironment in a way that matches the students'learning styles more effectively.
learner diversity,
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
館島 - 東川篤哉 / 十角館・時計館・霧越邸 - 綾辻行人
館島 (創元推理文庫 (Mひ4-1)) | |
東川 篤哉 おすすめ平均 Amazonで詳しく見る by G-Tools |
十角館の殺人 新装改訂版 (講談社文庫 あ 52-14) 綾辻 行人 関連商品 水車館の殺人 新装改訂版 (講談社文庫 あ 52-19) 時計館の殺人 (講談社文庫) 暗黒館の殺人 1 (1) (講談社文庫 あ 52-15) 迷路館の殺人 (講談社文庫) 暗黒館の殺人 2 (2) (講談社文庫 あ 52-16) by G-Tools |
時計館の殺人 (講談社文庫) | |
綾辻 行人 おすすめ平均 Amazonで詳しく見る by G-Tools |
霧越邸殺人事件 (ノン・ノベル) | |
綾辻 行人 おすすめ平均 Amazonで詳しく見る by G-Tools |
トトの世界(Action comics)


タマキトヨヒコ君殺人事件 (双葉文庫―名作シリーズ (さ-20-07))

* * * * *
ホットマン (Vol.15)
きたがわ 翔

* * * * *
おくりびと (ビッグコミックススペシャル) | |
さそう あきら おすすめ平均 Amazonで詳しく見る by G-Tools |
トトの世界(Action comics)
タマキトヨヒコ君殺人事件 (双葉文庫―名作シリーズ (さ-20-07))
* * * * *
デス・スウィーパー 1 (1) (KADOKAWA CHARGE COMICS) | |
きたがわ 翔 おすすめ平均 Amazonで詳しく見るby G-Tools |
ホットマン (Vol.15)
きたがわ 翔
* * * * *
その日のまえに - 重松清
その日のまえに (文春文庫 (し38-7)) 重松 清 関連商品 きみの友だち (新潮文庫 し 43-12) いつかパラソルの下で (角川文庫 も 16-5) (角川文庫 も 16-5) みぞれ (角川文庫 し 29-6) ララピポ (幻冬舎文庫 お 13-2) 容疑者Xの献身 (文春文庫 ひ 13-7) by G-Tools |
きみの友だち (新潮文庫 し 43-12) | |
重松 清 おすすめ平均 Amazonで詳しく見るby G-Tools |
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
開催日時: 2008年9月26日(金)13:30~16:30
会 場: 神戸国際会館 9F大会場
アクセス: 各線三ノ宮駅から徒歩2~3分
申し込み 9月22日(金)
申込方法: 「参加申込書」に記入、メールか FAX
開催日時: 2008年9月26日(金)13:30~16:30
会 場: 神戸国際会館 9F大会場
アクセス: 各線三ノ宮駅から徒歩2~3分
申し込み 9月22日(金)
申込方法: 「参加申込書」に記入、メールか FAX
ナイチンゲールの沈黙 - 海堂尊
なんにせよ、きちんと entertaining な物語に仕上がっているところが素晴らしい。白鳥と加納、そして田口さんの「活躍」に期待して、シリーズの文庫化を待ちましょ。

*バチスタは実は「下」を2冊買ってしまい(愚・・・)、白鳥さんの「活躍」を先に読んでしまったため、何となく「上」は読んでいない。コミック版でお茶を濁してしまった。Ai の話も読み流してしまったのだろうか・・・。ちょっと検討してみよう。
チーム・バチスタの栄光 (ワンダーランドコミックス) (ワンダーランドコミックス)
なんにせよ、きちんと entertaining な物語に仕上がっているところが素晴らしい。白鳥と加納、そして田口さんの「活躍」に期待して、シリーズの文庫化を待ちましょ。
ナイチンゲールの沈黙(上) [宝島社文庫] (宝島社文庫 C か 1-3 「このミス」大賞シリーズ) 海堂尊 宝島社 2008-09-03 売り上げランキング : 29 Amazonで詳しく見る by G-Tools |
ナイチンゲールの沈黙(下) [宝島社文庫] (宝島社文庫 C か 1-4 「このミス」大賞シリーズ) 海堂尊 宝島社 2008-09-03 売り上げランキング : 28 Amazonで詳しく見る by G-Tools |
死因不明社会 (ブルーバックス 1578) | |
海堂 尊 おすすめ平均 Amazonで詳しく見る by G-Tools |
チーム・バチスタの栄光(上) 「このミス」大賞シリーズ (宝島社文庫 599) (宝島社文庫 599) | |
海堂 尊 宝島社 2007-11-10 売り上げランキング : 785 Amazonで詳しく見るby G-Tools |
*バチスタは実は「下」を2冊買ってしまい(愚・・・)、白鳥さんの「活躍」を先に読んでしまったため、何となく「上」は読んでいない。コミック版でお茶を濁してしまった。Ai の話も読み流してしまったのだろうか・・・。ちょっと検討してみよう。
チーム・バチスタの栄光 (ワンダーランドコミックス) (ワンダーランドコミックス)
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