Thursday, July 16, 2009
Asia TEFL 2009
Effective integration of technology in classroom instruction:
There are numerous web-based tools available that can be utilized for educational purposes, including learning management systems (LMS), blogging platforms, social networking/messaging services, photo/slide/video sharing sites, and online quiz and survey builders, and an increasing number of teachers are becoming interested in or have already started integrating these tools in classroom instruction. Those interested, but uncertain or not yet confident about incorporating some newer technologies into their lessons and activities, may be wondering how beneficial it can be, if it is too time-consuming, where they should start, or what particular tool(s) they should choose.
This workshop will provide those undecided with an opportunity to try out some of these web tools so that they can see what teaching/learning activities are enabled or facilitated, and examine if/how these technology-enhanced activities fit into their curriculum or teaching context. Participants will experience how these tools can facilitate frequent interaction, instant feedback, and effective sharing of students’ work. Sample activities taken from the presenter’s classroom practice will illustrate how the teacher can adapt particular tools differently in different contexts, including a grammar course held in a traditional classroom setting and a TESOL course or others using a computer lab.
In addition to hands-on experience using and preparing some of these technology-enhanced activities, issues related to learner characteristics, such as accommodating different learning needs, getting/keeping all students active in their learning, and preparing weaker students for self-paced study will be addressed. Resources and activities for this workshop will be managed through an LMS (Moodle). (249)
Mari Yamauchi teaches English and TESOL at Kobe Kaisei College. Her research interests include teaching EFL to Japanese university students, developmental education, cross-linguistic studies of tense and aspect and written text analysis. (32)
Originally posted on Saturday, February 21, 2009
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Teacher-centered vs Student-centered
Chapelle, C. (1997). CALL in the year 2000: Still in search of research paradigms? Language Learning & Technology, 1, 19-43. Retrieved November 20, 2005
Dougiamas, M. (1998). A journey into constructivism. Retrieved November 20, 2005
Ewing, M. (2000). Conversations of Indonesian language students on computer-mediated projects: Linguistic responsibility and control. Computer Assisted Language Learning Journal, 13(4-5)333-356.
Hanson-Smith, E. (2003). A brief history of CALL theory. The CATESOL Journal, 15, 21-30.
Jeon-Ellis, G., Debski, R., & Wigglesworth, G. (2005). Oral interaction around computers in the project oriented CALL classroom. Language Learning and Technology, 9, 121-145.
Moss, D., & Van Duzer, C. (1998). Project-based learning for adult English language learners. Washington, DC: National Center for ESL Literacy Education. Retrieved November 20, 2005
Moya, S., & O’Malley, M. (1994). A portfolio assessment model for ESL. The Journal of Educational Issues of Language Minority Students, 13, 13-36. Retrieved November 20, 2005
Normandie, S. L. (n.d.). Global School: Online Collaborations in the ECE Classroom. Retreived December 6, 2005
Warschauer, M. (1999). Electronic literacies: Language, Culture, and Power in Online Education. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
moodle and prOCALL
Printer Friendly version (PDF format)
Are you ready to Moodle?
Instructional Technology Resource Center (Moodle)
MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching
Vol. 5, No. 2, June 2009
Blended Learning with Drupal
Douglas L. Holton 2009
Utah State University, Logan, UT USA
Drupal vs. Moodle の機能比較表あり。
Moolde = "full-fledged learning management systems" (確かに)
Cormode, G., & Krishnamurthy, B. (2008). Key differences between Web 1.0 and Web 2.0. First Monday, 13(6). Retrieved February 24 th, 2009 from
Frydenberg, M. (2008). Wikis as a Tool for Collaborative Course Management. MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching, 4(2), 169-181.
Guth, S. (2007). Wikis in Education: Is Public Better? Proceedings of the 2007 International Symposium on Wikis.
Guzdial, M. (2000). A Catalog of CoWeb Uses. Unpublished manuscript. Retrieved February 24 th, 2009 from
Holton, D.L. (in press). Using Moodle to teach constructivist learning design skills to adult learners. In T. Kidd (Ed.), Online Education and Adult Learning: New Frontiers for Teaching Practices. IGI Global.
Rovai, A.P. (2004). Blended learning and sense of community: A comparative analysis with traditional and fully online graduate courses. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 5(2).
======================= Yates_Delgado.pdf
Sunday, July 12, 2009
New Titles Coming Soon!
配送予定日: 2009/7/13
"Nodame Cantabile 1"
"Nodame Cantabile 2"
"Nodame Cantabile 3"
"Nodame Cantabile 4"
"Nodame Cantabile 5"
"Yotsubato 3 (Yotsubato (Graphic Novels))"
"Yotsubato 4 (Yotsubato (Graphic Novels))"
"Yotsubato 5 (Yotsubato (Graphic Novels))"
"Real, Volume 1 (Real (Viz))"
"Real, Volume 2 (Real (Viz))"
"Real, Volume 3 (Real (Viz))"
"Bleach, Volume 4 (Bleach (Graphic Novels))"
"Bleach 5 (Bleach)"
"Bleach vol.6(Bleach)"
配送予定日: 2009/9/17 - 2009/9/19
"Yotsuba&!, Vol. 2"
"Yotsuba&! 6"
Penguin Readers - Easystarts
1. Hannah and the hurricane Bk/CD Pack (Done)
Original / British English (Available February 2008)
Hannah loves her job on old Mr Duval’s small boat. The boat takes people to the beautiful coral reef every day. Then a rich man arrives with a big new boat. Suddenly, there isn’t any work for Hannah and Mr Duval. Then the hurricane comes ...
Original / British English (Available February 2008)
Pam and Martin visit Cambridge. Pam takes a photo, but a man walks in front of her. Later Martin sees a picture of a man in a newspaper. The police want this man. Is he the same man? And where is he now? Does Pam’s photo have the answers?
Tom breaks his leg in a football game — it’s not his lucky day! A week later, Tom sees his favorite movie star. But Tom falls again—and suddenly the movie star is falling too! Reporters are taking pictures of Tom. Is this his lucky break?
Original / British English (Available February 2008)
Marcel is a French mouse, and a detective. One evening, at the Louvre museum, he sees a man steal a famous painting – the Mona Lisa. Marcel follows the thief to Venice and risks his life to get the painting back again.
Original / British English (Available February 2008)
Marcel is a mouse and a famous detective. He lives in Paris. One evening, two thieves steal a very expensive diamond ring – the ‘White Star’. Then they steal a car. Marcel follows them across Paris to a café. Can he get the ‘White Star’ and bring it back?
Original / British English (Available February 2008)
Simon Simple is going on holiday and the police are looking for a spy. On the train, Simon meets a beautiful girl. He likes her and she likes him. But the spy is there too. Simon and the police can’t see the spy. Can you?
Original / American English (Available February 2008)
Kate Grant comes from Canada. She is visiting Europe with her mother and father. One evening she sees two men in a museum. They are taking a very famous picture…“Girl with a Pearl Ear-ring.” What can Kate do?
Original / American English (Available May 2008)
One of Hollywood’s most successful actors, Tom Cruise has starred in numerous films since his début in Risky Business. Read about his life and career, his major film roles, his involvement with Scientology and his marriages.
Original / British English (Available February 2008)
Mark Jackson is on holiday in Turkey. He visits the old city of Troy and finds a yellow stone. ‘I know this stone,’ he thinks. ‘It comes from … from ...’ Suddenly Mark goes back in time. He can see a beautiful city, soldiers and a big wooden horse.
Original / British English (Available February 2008)
Tina Daniels is thirteen years old and a star. She sings beautifully, and everyone loves her. Her mother has big ideas about Hollywood, but Tina is not happy. One day she goes away on a train. Who does she meet? What does she see? Read about Tina’s new life.
Ricardo and Gisela are going home to Rio. Gisela likes reading and quiet people. Ricardo likes noise … and he likes Gisela. In Rio, a thief takes Gisela’s bag. What can Ricardo do?
Original / British English (Available February 2008)
Maisie King lives in the Bahamas. Her mother and father work at an Animal Hospital. Maisie has a new friend. His name is Ben and he’s a dolphin. Ben is very ill. Maisie helps him. Then Maisie has a big problem. Can Ben help her?
Original / British English (Available February 2008)
It’s 1798. Sam Tinker and his daughter Jenny live in London. One day a thief puts a watch in Sam’s hand. ‘Take this,’ he says, and runs away. Two policemen see the watch and take Sam away. What can Jenny do? Can she help her father?
Original / British English (Available February 2008)
Felix is not a happy bird. He comes from Brazil but he doesn’t live there. He lives in New York in a cage. Then one day his cage opens and Felix says goodbye to New York. Can he find his family in Brazil again?
Leopard and Lighthouse Bk/CD Pack
Original / British English (Available February 2008)
One day a leopard swims across the sea to Sindi. He is hungry and he is looking for food. He runs into an old lighthouse. The people of Sindi do not want the leopard in their lighthouse. But what can they do? How can they catch the leopard?Tinkers Farm Bk/CD Pack
Original / British English (Available February 2008)
It is 1800. Jenny Tinker arrives in New York with her father, Sam. The Tinkers are English. They’re starting a new life in America. They want a farm, but they haven’t got any money. What can they do?The White Oryx, Bk/CD Pack
Original / British English (Available May 2008)
Mandy Brown is in the desert with Abdullah, and an oryx ranger. But there are poachers in the desert too – and a mother oryx is dead. Can Mandy and Abdullah catch the poachers? And can they find the dead oryx’s baby?
New Titles Coming Soon!
- Martin Luther King (Penguin Readers, Level 3) With CD
- Robin Hood (Scholastic, Starter Level) With CD
- Buffy the Vampire slayer (Scholastic, Level 1) With CD
- Night at the Museum (Scholastic, Level 1) With CD
- Hoot (Scholastic, Level 2) With CD
- Jane Eyre (Scholastic, Level 2) With CD
- Catwoman (Scholastic, Level 3) With CD
LD・ADHDは病気なのか? - 金澤治
被爆のマリア - 田口ランディ
被爆のマリア (文春文庫) 田口 ランディ 文藝春秋 2009-07-10 売り上げランキング : 23613 Amazonで詳しく見る by G-Tools |
悲しき人形つかい - 梶尾真治
悲しき人形つかい (光文社文庫) | |
梶尾 真治 Amazonで詳しく見る by G-Tools |
午前3時の医者ものがたり - 米山公啓
午前3時の医者ものがたり (ぶんか社文庫) 米山 公啓 ぶんか社 2009-07-04 by G-Tools |
竜巻ガール - 垣谷美雨
竜巻ガール (双葉文庫) 垣谷 美雨 双葉社 2009-06-11 売り上げランキング : 194966 Amazonで詳しく見る by G-Tools |
毒にも薬にもなる話 - 養老孟司
毒にも薬にもなる話 (中公文庫) 養老 孟司 関連商品 あなたの脳にはクセがある―「都市主義」の限界 (中公文庫) こまった人 (中公新書) 養老孟司 ガクモンの壁 (日経ビジネス人文庫) ぼちぼち結論 (中公新書) 脳のシワ (新潮文庫) by G-Tools |
ともかくこの世代は、子どものうちに敗戦で、「皇居に向かって最敬礼」が、一夜明ければ「平和憲法、マッカーサー万歳」になった。どうせコロッと変わる世の中を、そんなにムキになることはあるまい。子どものときからそれが身についている。(本書, p.128)世間の常識なり価値観なりが相対的なものだということを体感してらっしゃるのが、この方の「芸」(と自分でもおっしゃる)の強みだなあと思う。頭の中で体験するしかない身としては、ある意味うらやましい気もする。健全な距離感がきもちよい。