Saturday, November 7, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
ドキュメント高校中退―いま、貧困がうまれる場所 青砥恭
This book convincingly shows that high school dropouts in Japan are not just an educational problem, but mainly a social problem.
※6 customer reviews
ドキュメント高校中退―いま、貧困がうまれる場所 (ちくま新書 809) | |
おすすめ平均 Amazonで詳しく見る by G-Tools |
※6 customer reviews
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
借金取りの王子 - 垣根涼介
I like it. I especially liked the story titled "借金取りの王子" where a nice, good-looking guy working at a consumer credit company is a main (guest) character, and his love is the main theme.
I should have read vol.1 of this series first. But since it's a collection of short stories, I think I enjoyed the book without knowing what happened in the previous book. Well, I'll get the first book any way.
I should have read vol.1 of this series first. But since it's a collection of short stories, I think I enjoyed the book without knowing what happened in the previous book. Well, I'll get the first book any way.
借金取りの王子―君たちに明日はない〈2〉 (新潮文庫) | |
おすすめ平均 Amazonで詳しく見る by G-Tools |
バクマン。 5 (ジャンプコミックス) | |
小畑 健 おすすめ平均 Amazonで詳しく見る by G-Tools |
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
豚インフルエンザの真実―人間とパンデミックの果てなき戦い (幻冬舎新書) | |
おすすめ平均 Amazonで詳しく見る by G-Tools |
日本神話の女神たち - 林道義
(Still reading...) The author's comparison between Japanese gods and Greek gods is quite interesting. (ユングも出てくるのか...)
日本神話の女神たち (文春新書) 関連商品 日本神話の英雄たち 文春新書 ユングでわかる日本神話 (文春新書) 日本神話の源流 (講談社学術文庫) 読み替えられた日本神話 (講談社現代新書) 八百万の神々―日本の神霊たちのプロフィール (Truth In Fantasy) by G-Tools |
裁判長!ここは懲役4年でどうすか 9
I still haven't found Vol.4... but there's no problem. Vol.9 describes how the author was feeling when he tried to watch the court and decide whether the accused should be sentenced to death(死刑判決を下される). That will make you think, just like the author(=the main character), "Can I decide to kill someone?"
裁判長!ここは懲役4年でどうすか 9 (BUNCH COMICS) 松橋 犬輔 by G-Tools |
ゴミ分別の異常な世界 - 杉本・服部
I recommend reading this to know how things aren't going well in Japan....
ゴミ分別の異常な世界―リサイクル社会の幻想 (幻冬舎新書) | |
おすすめ平均 Amazonで詳しく見る by G-Tools |
Monday, November 2, 2009
I like the nomadic way of working! (I won't be a 100% nomad, though)
仕事するのにオフィスはいらない (光文社新書) | |
おすすめ平均 Amazonで詳しく見る by G-Tools |
Liar Game 10
The story has been quite simple through vol.1 to vol.10 - participants just keep fighting to determine the winner at a liar game after another - but it's never been boring. It's probably because it's so exciting to see how game participants act in the game (how they feel when they have to lie), and how they grow (or change through the game. I'm really impressed by Nao, who may be seen as a weak player and always needs to be helped: she has grown and can be the strongest player in liar games without being a liar. Amazing.
(The image is not available yet.)
(The image is not available yet.)
LIAR GAME 10 (ヤングジャンプコミックス) | |
おすすめ平均 Amazonで詳しく見る by G-Tools |
Sunday, November 1, 2009
はじめての構造主義 - 橋爪大三郎
Prog. Hashidzume is a great writer. I wish I could explain structurism (構造主義) this way...
*Remember to recommend this to the double N's.
*Remember to recommend this to the double N's.
はじめての構造主義 (講談社現代新書) | |
おすすめ平均 Amazonで詳しく見る by G-Tools |
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