Saturday, May 8, 2010
Think Everyone Has a Smartphone? Think Again [STATS]
Think Everyone Has a Smartphone? Think Again [STATS]:
comScoreの発表:report today detailing U.S. mobile market share (2010年の3ヶ月間)

comScoreの発表:report today detailing U.S. mobile market share (2010年の3ヶ月間)
- 大手 mobile OEMs (original equipment manufacturers, or phone makers) /アメリカ mobile operators
- 加入者データ, 携帯電話の利用法
- Verizonがアメリカ最大のシェア(約 31.1%)
- スマートフォンを使っていない人は驚くほど多い
the top mobile OEMs of users age 13+:
- Samsung, Motorola, LG ... それぞれ約 22% のシェア
- RIM, Nokia ...それぞれ 8.3%
- Apple, HTC ... トップ5にランクインせず.
- 米スマートフォン市場に関わるのはMotorolaとRIMのみ
- 利用法は予測の範囲:SMS, ウェブ閲覧,モバイルアプリ
2009.12〜2010.3 のモバイルコンテンツ利用
- ブラウザ利用増,アプリダウンロード増,SNSやブログへのアクセス増
- (スマートフォン所有者増の影響か?)
- スマホ以外の携帯電話がまだ数多く使われている
- 買い替え時、スマホに移行する可能性が高い→市場拡大
- 阻害要因はデータプランの価格(cf. Microsoft Kin phones)
Thursday, May 6, 2010
論文は進まず、娯楽本ばかりがこなされていく... いや、でも、どれも面白くて。
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Choosing and using social software
Choosing and using social software
(by eLearning Learning

Learning Ecosystems Handout
(by eLearning Learning
Great tips & resources (including a Slideshare presentation & a Scribd handout)
Choosing and using social software
View more presentations from berthelemy.
Learning Ecosystems Handout
LMS is no longer the centre of the universe
LMS is no longer the centre of the universe:
LMS を捨てるという話ではもちろんなく、中心が networking に移ったという話。適材適所がいいよね。
OK, so here’s the deal – if learning is work and work is learning, why is organizational learning controlled by a learning management systems (LMS) that isn’t connected to the work being done in the enterprise? Learning is no longer what you do before you go to work, never having to learn anything else in order to do your job. In the 21st century networked ...(by eLearning Learning)
LMS を捨てるという話ではもちろんなく、中心が networking に移ったという話。適材適所がいいよね。
Blackbird Pie
Blackbird Pie generates a code to embed a tweet like this:
RT @pgsimoes: RT @mashable HOW TO: Embed a Tweet #media #twitterless than a minute ago via HootSuitemari yamauchi
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
IOLC 2010 - 3rd International Online Language Conference
IOLC 2010 - 3rd International Online Language Conference
Important Dates:
Abstract Submission: May 15, 2010
Abstract Review Notification: After review by conference committee
Early Registration: April 15, 2010
Full Paper Submission: July 31, 2010
Full Paper Review Notification: After review by conference reviewers
(normally within 2 months)
Normal Registration: August 31, 2010
Conference Dates: September 23 & 24, 2010
Important Dates:
Abstract Submission: May 15, 2010
Abstract Review Notification: After review by conference committee
Early Registration: April 15, 2010
Full Paper Submission: July 31, 2010
Full Paper Review Notification: After review by conference reviewers
(normally within 2 months)
Normal Registration: August 31, 2010
Conference Dates: September 23 & 24, 2010
GLoCALL - Globalization & Localization in CALL
GLoCALL - Globalization & Localization in CALL
June 15
Deadline for proposal submissions
July 20
Notices of acceptance sent out
September 15
Deadline for speaker pre-registration
September 30
Submission deadline for Conference Proceedings
October 15
Deadline for general pre-registration
November 15
Release of a preliminary conference program
December 1
Pre-conference workshops
December 2-3
Plenaries & concurrent sessions
June 15
Deadline for proposal submissions
July 20
Notices of acceptance sent out
September 15
Deadline for speaker pre-registration
September 30
Submission deadline for Conference Proceedings
October 15
Deadline for general pre-registration
November 15
Release of a preliminary conference program
December 1
Pre-conference workshops
December 2-3
Plenaries & concurrent sessions
Pearltrees Launches Embeds - Makes Bookmarks More Useful
Pearltrees Launches Embeds - Makes Bookmarks More Useful:

Online bookmarking tools haven't really changed much over the last few years. Most services still present you with a basic list of tagged links. Pearltrees, however, is taking a radically different approach. The Paris-based company organizes links as a collection of 'pearls' that are connected by a mind map-like tree graph. Starting today, you can also embed these collections in your own blog posts. ...
My favourite Presentation Tools and when I use them
My favourite Presentation Tools and when I use them:
Brought to you by: eLearning Learning
"I understand there's a huge interest amongst people to know about different presentation tools and the situations in which you'll use them. I believe that no tool is a silver bullet for all situations and in today's article I want to discuss how you can select the best tool to present your topic. I...
Brought to you by: eLearning Learning
The Only 5 Google Chrome Extensions You Need
The Only 5 Google Chrome Extensions You Need
- AdBlock
- WOT:閲覧サイトのセキュリティチェック
- FastestChrome
- TooManyTabs
- Xmarks Bookmarks Sync
Using Web 2.0 Tools to create independent learners
Using Web 2.0 Tools to create independent learners hits the headlines
Can using web 2.0 tools develop independent learners? (Presentation)
Can using web 2.0 tools develop independent learners? (Presentation)
Monday, May 3, 2010
統計、どうするか (その2)
ウェブ上でざっくり見てみて、『教育データ分析入門』と『本当にわかりやすい すごく大切なことが書いてある ごく初歩の統計の本』をちらちら見ながら、ソフト使ったら簡単かも?とふらふら SPSSを入れてみる。
Q1) F値とは?
◆ t検定の前提条件:「正規性」(母集団が正規分布していること)と「等分散性」(2群の母集団の分散が等しいこと)
・等分散性:t検定を行う過程で等分散の検定を行ってくれるソフトもある(→SPSS ではやってくれる)
◆ t検定以外の方法:分布についての前提を必要としないノンパラメトリック検定(→少人数のグループ間での差を検討(第6章))
Q1) F値とは?
SPSSでは、t検定を実行すると、自動的に2つの母分散が等しいことを帰無仮説としたLevene検定(ルビーン)を行います。この検定で有意 でなければ(pが5%よりも大きければ)、前提条件の3を満たしたと考え、t検定の結果を解釈します。たぶん分かった。p = 有意確率
◆ t検定の前提条件:「正規性」(母集団が正規分布していること)と「等分散性」(2群の母集団の分散が等しいこと)
・等分散性:t検定を行う過程で等分散の検定を行ってくれるソフトもある(→SPSS ではやってくれる)
◆ t検定以外の方法:分布についての前提を必要としないノンパラメトリック検定(→少人数のグループ間での差を検討(第6章))
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Numbers'08 集中講座 :これはいいかも。
- Numbers の○と× - [Mac OSの使い方]All About:「不便なところ」は確かに不便に感じるけども。(iWork'08)
- iWork'09には魅力がいっぱい:簡単な概要説明。
- video tutorials もあとでチェックしようっと。
Numbers'08 集中講座 :これはいいかも。
オッズ比とファイ係数の話 - 言語教育の社会学的探求
二群の母平均の検定(t検定)、等分散を仮定 - 言語教育の社会学的探求
千野研究室の WEB ページへようこそ !
英語教育学研究に関する統計あれこれ (2006年で終了。過去ログはまだ閲覧可)
R による統計処理(R:フリーの統計用ソフトらしい)
オッズ比とファイ係数の話 - 言語教育の社会学的探求
二群の母平均の検定(t検定)、等分散を仮定 - 言語教育の社会学的探求
千野研究室の WEB ページへようこそ !
英語教育学研究に関する統計あれこれ (2006年で終了。過去ログはまだ閲覧可)
R による統計処理(R:フリーの統計用ソフトらしい)
ReCALL Journal Special Issue: Call for Papers
ReCALL Journal Special Issue: Call for Papers
CALL and CMC Teacher Education research: enduring questions, emerging methodologies
Submission deadline: 31 October 2010
Publication date: September 2011
Guest editors:
Mirjam Hauck, The Open University, UK
Nicolas Guichon, Université de Lyon 2, Laboratoire ICAR, France
CALL and CMC Teacher Education research: enduring questions, emerging methodologies
Submission deadline: 31 October 2010
Publication date: September 2011
Guest editors:
Mirjam Hauck, The Open University, UK
Nicolas Guichon, Université de Lyon 2, Laboratoire ICAR, France
While the use of digital technologies in language education has been growing over the last 15 years, pedagogical developments and methodological reflection have not kept pace. This special issue of ReCALL will address enduring questions in research on teacher education in computer-assisted language learning (CALL) and computer-mediated communication (CMC) and methodological approaches, both traditional and emerging.
The issue will provide an overview of established research in the field as well as reporting on more recent areas of study. These focus, for example, on the teacher role in collaborative online language learning, and e-literacy and semio-pedagogical skills required for harnessing the potential of multimodal environments and tools.
The contributions will also consider practical and ethical issues related to online pre- and in-service language teacher education and tutor training. The overall aim is to take stock of the current state of affairs in research on teacher education in CALL and CMC-based language teaching and to map out a tentative research agenda for the next few years.
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