Is iPhone video recording bad news for YouTube? | Fully Equipped - CNET Reviews
ふうむ。iPhone 3G S か。ちょっと便利そうかも。
Saturday, June 13, 2009
kinkos は異常に安いんですけど・・・なぜ?
リング製本/くるみ製本/ テープ製本/ シュア製本(厚さ25mmまで)¥336.00/冊(税抜¥320)
リング製本/くるみ製本/ テープ製本/ シュア製本(厚さ25mmまで)¥336.00/冊(税抜¥320)
A practical guide to lexicography
Capturing the Lexical Structure in Special Subject Fields with Verbs and Verbal Derivatives. A Model for Specialized Lexicography
Bilingual Dictionaries (bibliography)
Fraser, B. L. (2008) ‘Beyond Definition: Organising Semantic Information in Bilingual Dictionaries’, in: International Journal of Lexicography Vol. 21: 69-93.
Capturing the Lexical Structure in Special Subject Fields with Verbs and Verbal Derivatives. A Model for Specialized Lexicography
Bilingual Dictionaries (bibliography)
Fraser, B. L. (2008) ‘Beyond Definition: Organising Semantic Information in Bilingual Dictionaries’, in: International Journal of Lexicography Vol. 21: 69-93.
Friday, June 12, 2009
A student watched the movie "おくりびと" (Departures: Takita Yojiro) and wrote about it (☆SMILE☆: Departures).
I haven't seen the movie but I've read the work by Sasou Akira last year. I liked the story, which is about a man who's given up his career as a cellist and started to work as an "encoffiner". The job itself was new to me. I've never imagined that kind of job, and it's interesting to learn how necessary an "encoffiner" is. It was good to see a man learn more and take pride in himself.
Maybe I should try the book "納棺夫日記" (By 青木新門) some day.
(Originally posted on May 1, 2009)
I haven't seen the movie but I've read the work by Sasou Akira last year. I liked the story, which is about a man who's given up his career as a cellist and started to work as an "encoffiner". The job itself was new to me. I've never imagined that kind of job, and it's interesting to learn how necessary an "encoffiner" is. It was good to see a man learn more and take pride in himself.
おくりびと (ビッグコミックススペシャル) | |
さそう あきら おすすめ平均 Amazonで詳しく見る by G-Tools |
Maybe I should try the book "納棺夫日記" (By 青木新門) some day.
納棺夫日記 (文春文庫) | |
青木 新門 おすすめ平均 Amazonで詳しく見る by G-Tools |
Movives on YouTube
From ReadWriteWeb Written by Frederic Lardinois / June 4, 2009
Home (Trailer)
YouTube と映画会社たちがうまく共存する (win win)方法が見つかるとよいなあと思う。
trailers だけ集めて授業や自習用素材をつるくっていうのはありだと思うんだが、ぱっと集められる方法はあるかな。
Home (Trailer)
YouTube と映画会社たちがうまく共存する (win win)方法が見つかるとよいなあと思う。
trailers だけ集めて授業や自習用素材をつるくっていうのはありだと思うんだが、ぱっと集められる方法はあるかな。
the etiquette of retweets
retweet(N, V)ねえ... すっかり新語として定着したっぽい書きぶり。
(ReadWriteWeb より)
(ReadWriteWeb より)
遠いうねり―グイン・サーガ〈127〉 (ハヤカワ文庫JA) | |
栗本 薫 おすすめ平均 おすすめ平均 Amazonで詳しく見る by G-Tools |
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Yotsuba speaking German!

I ordered Yotsuba &! Vol.1 to Vol.5, and ... oh my goodness, Vol.1 and Vol. 2 are a German version!!! (すみません。てことで available な英語版は今のところ1, 4, 5 です・・・。)
But it's fun to see Yotsuba speaking German, e.g.,
"Gibt es denn heute ein Fest, Papa?" (父ちゃん、今日は祭りか?)
Ooooooo I want a Korean version - 요츠바랑! この方のご紹介。頑張って訳してみるか(エキサイトが役に立つかな):
아즈마 키요히코의 만화가 가진 특징이라면 무엇이 있을까?It doesn't seem to be available in Amazon JP (あたりまえですけど).
あずま きよひこの 漫画が もっている 特徴とえば 何だろうか
기본기가 탄탄한 뎃생, 매력적인 캐릭터…
基本技が ・・・・・, 魅力的なキャラクター…
하지만 그런 것들보다 좀 더 본질적인 부분에서,
だが そんなことより もう少し 本質的な 部分で,
그의 만화는 일상을 그 소재로 삼으면서도 지루하지 않다는 것을 금방 깨달을 수 있다.
彼の 漫画は 日常を その 素材としながら 退屈で ないということを ・・・できる。
'아즈망가 대왕'에서 여고생들의 일상을 4컷만화라는 형식을 통해 보여 주었던 그가 이번에는 옴니버스식 장편을 통해 우리에게 다가왔다.
「あずまんが大王」で 女子高生達の 日常を 4コマ漫画の 形式を通して 見せて くれた彼が 今回は オムニバス式 長編を 通じて 私たちに ・・・。
'요츠바'라는 시끄러운 꼬맹이 한 명을 앞세우고서.
「よつば」という 騒々しい ちっちゃな子 1人を 前面に出して。
(만화 이야기 2006/11/16 23:38 posted by 이피)
Monday, June 8, 2009
Yotsuba &!

(Yotsuba is trying to choose one ice cream to have)
DAD: I know. I'll eat all of them for you. When I'm done, you can have the one that tasted best. よ~し。父ちゃんが全部食べてやるよ。その後で、一番うまかったやつを食べればいい。
YOTSUBA: Ah! A great idea! お~いいな!
DAD: Ok. I'll just take these. よ~し。じゃこれもらうぞ。(Yotsuba is just waiting...)
JUMBO: You're ok with this? He's going to eat them all. いいのか?父ちゃんが全部食べちゃうぞ。
YOTSUBA: ... Adult! That's soo adult! ... 大人って!大人って!
DAD: Took you long enough. やっと分かったか。
* * *
Meet Yotsuba and see how cute and funny she is! Enjoy reading!!!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Don Hinkelman
Sapporo Gakuin University (JAPAN)
'Sharing Reusable Learning Objects in Moodle' (Room: CALL Lab)
*login info given
Shareing cart (My Course)
↓(pay points) ↑
Metadata form
↓ ↑ (get points)
Sharing Cart (Repository)
To use the repository:
Shared glossary
Downloading/Uploading 以外にもさまざまな関わり方がある
Don Hinkelman
Sapporo Gakuin University (JAPAN)
'Sharing Reusable Learning Objects in Moodle' (Room: CALL Lab)
*login info given
Shareing cart (My Course)
↓(pay points) ↑
Metadata form
↓ ↑ (get points)
Sharing Cart (Repository)
To use the repository:
- unzip sharing cart ( ... folder の場所だったような....[block] [sharing_cart])
- moodle/block/
- notifications to activate
Shared glossary
Downloading/Uploading 以外にもさまざまな関わり方がある
Thomas Robb
Kyoto Sangyo University (JAPAN)
'The Moodle Reader Module: A progress report'
Basic Infomation
Kyoto Sangyo University (JAPAN)
'The Moodle Reader Module: A progress report'
Basic Infomation
- ゲストログインID もらった。
- 上のサイトでダウンロードできる。
- 1.9 で動く
- MoodleReader パッケージ
- クイズ・パッケージ
Ordering items are a non-standard item type the requires a plug-in (supplied) that goes in the “moodle/questions/type” directory. The number following the “>” sign indicates the number of lines to show in any given instance of the quiz item. The number is normally 50-60% of the total number of items. Note that there is no blank line between each event since the entire set is one item.
Gift Format
Put the following events in the order that they really happened.
Barbara Collins complains to Janet about being fired from her clinic.
Janet Leighton visits her lawyer.
Janet Leighton tells her lawyer that she wants to change her will.
Janet's ex-husband visits her to ask for her money or the house.
Janet's son, Chris visits her to ask for money for a new car.
Janet's ex-husband kills her.
The police discover Janet's murder.
Kate Miller asks Inspector Williams to come to Leighton's house.
Kate and Williams visit Barbara Collins.
Kate and Williams visit Simon Leighton.
Kate and Williams visit Chris Leighton.
The inspector asks Simon, Chris and his wife to come to Janet's house.
Simon says that he killed Janet.
James SICK
J. F. Oberlin University (JAPAN)
'Student-created Moodle courses as a means of solidifying and retaining knowledge of CALL resources'
J. F. Oberlin University (JAPAN)
'Student-created Moodle courses as a means of solidifying and retaining knowledge of CALL resources'
Tom Robb
Creating a video cloze
DVD => mpeg file (ripping soft が必要) その後は自動的?
*permission needed
video + cloze
Upload the desired video in an acceptable format. (.mpg, .swf)
Prepare the video dialog as a plain text file.
Create your cloze items, replacing each word or phrase with this format:
{:SHORTANSWER:=word ~*#word}
(The item with the "=" is the correct answer, the item with #word is the feedback which is the same as the correct answer. Students can view this feedback by mousing over their wrong answers.)
Create a quiz with a single "Embedded Answers (Cloze) item
Place the entire text with the shortanswer items in the question window.
At the top of the question window click on the chain icon and link to the video file in your course files area. (Note that you might have to temporarily have some text such as "xxx" to that there is something to highlight in order for the chain icon to be activated. You can delete the text afterwards.)
How to increase the maximum php upload size
Put this line in your .htaccess file, if allowed by your provider.
php_value upload_max_filesize 1024 = 20M
Modify the value in your php.ini file to read:
upload_max_filesize = 20M;
Note that sometimes you can access the main php.ini file for you site. Some hosts do not permit access but allow you to create a php.ini file at the top level of your own area, the values of which will override the defaults.
Creating a video cloze
DVD => mpeg file (ripping soft が必要) その後は自動的?
*permission needed
video + cloze
Upload the desired video in an acceptable format. (.mpg, .swf)
Prepare the video dialog as a plain text file.
Create your cloze items, replacing each word or phrase with this format:
{:SHORTANSWER:=word ~*#word}
(The item with the "=" is the correct answer, the item with #word is the feedback which is the same as the correct answer. Students can view this feedback by mousing over their wrong answers.)
Create a quiz with a single "Embedded Answers (Cloze) item
Place the entire text with the shortanswer items in the question window.
At the top of the question window click on the chain icon and link to the video file in your course files area. (Note that you might have to temporarily have some text such as "xxx" to that there is something to highlight in order for the chain icon to be activated. You can delete the text afterwards.)
How to increase the maximum php upload size
Put this line in your .htaccess file, if allowed by your provider.
php_value upload_max_filesize 1024 = 20M
Modify the value in your php.ini file to read:
upload_max_filesize = 20M;
Note that sometimes you can access the main php.ini file for you site. Some hosts do not permit access but allow you to create a php.ini file at the top level of your own area, the values of which will override the defaults.
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