Friday, December 28, 2007
Thursday, December 27, 2007
平成8年 (1996年) 頃、計画開始。
(... ということは、映画の後ぐらい)
地域振興情報ライブラリー プロジェクト詳細
月間 地域づくり:1998.8-特集
平成8年 (1996年) 頃、計画開始。
(... ということは、映画の後ぐらい)
地域振興情報ライブラリー プロジェクト詳細
月間 地域づくり:1998.8-特集
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Sunday, December 23, 2007
российские рассказы
Russian (short) stories
российские рассказы
fairy tales
English translation
английский перевод
российские рассказы
fairy tales
English translation
английский перевод
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Friday, November 9, 2007
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Friday, October 26, 2007
Monday, October 22, 2007
Sunday, October 14, 2007
10月22日 売られる子どもたち
10月23日 僕たちも学びたい ~貧困と闘う子ども労働者たち~(再)
10月24日 エルキュール 初めての休日
10月25日 国際養子縁組 暗躍するブローカー
10月26日 いのちの家 ~スーザンと9人の子どもたち~(再)
10月22日 売られる子どもたち
10月23日 僕たちも学びたい ~貧困と闘う子ども労働者たち~(再)
10月24日 エルキュール 初めての休日
10月25日 国際養子縁組 暗躍するブローカー
10月26日 いのちの家 ~スーザンと9人の子どもたち~(再)
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Friday, October 12, 2007
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Friday, September 28, 2007
レシピ<いかと大根の煮物> - ダイエー(d´club)
レシピ<いかと大根の煮物> - ダイエー(d´club)
- いかの胴は1cm幅の輪切りにする。いかの先端の三角部分は1cm幅に切る。足は4cm長さに切る。
- 大根は2cm厚さの半月切りにし、下ゆでする。
- 鍋に煮汁を合わせて中火で煮立てて(1)を入れ、ひと煮立ちしたらアクを取っていかを取り出し、(2)を加えて弱火で煮る。
- 大根が味を含んでやわらかくなったら、(3)のいかをもどしてサッと温める程度に煮、器に盛ってしょうがをのせる。
Friday, September 21, 2007
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Moodle Install
Moodle Install
なので、 に変更後、この作業をした方がよさそう。
なので、 に変更後、この作業をした方がよさそう。
IBM、話し言葉を手話に翻訳するシステムを開発 - ITmedia News
米IBMは9月12日、話し言葉を自動的にブリティッシュ手話(British Sign Language、BSL)に翻訳するシステム「SiSi(Say It Sign It)」を開発したと発表した。SiSiが訳した手話は、「アバター」が表現する。
Google Spreadsheetsのデータをフィルター付きHTMLで表示する
Google Spreadsheetsのデータをフィルター付きHTMLで表示する
Google Spreadsheetsのデータを公開するときのHTMLは、機能が不足していると思っていました。
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Daily e-mail from the BBC: HEALTH
Daily e-mail from the BBC: HEALTH (Sep 18)
* End for traditional doctor's coat * The traditional doctor's white coat is to be changed as part of government plans to tackle hospital infections.
Full story
* Most Britons are so unwilling to exercise even the threat of death will not get them off the sofa, a survey suggests.
Full story
* End for traditional doctor's coat * The traditional doctor's white coat is to be changed as part of government plans to tackle hospital infections.
Full story
* Most Britons are so unwilling to exercise even the threat of death will not get them off the sofa, a survey suggests.
Full story
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Monday, September 17, 2007
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Gothamist: Scent of Your Neighbor's Habits
Gothamist: Scent of Your Neighbor's Habits
August 7, 2006
For CC07, SSE
August 7, 2006
Did you read the NY Times Real Estate article about smelling other apartments' goings on, like their cooking, their smoking, and letting their dogs pee and think, "Wow, that's totally my apartment"? There were a bunch of great quotes. Like:
For CC07, SSE
Working Daze
Working Daze
You may be a geek if ...
You may be a geek if ...
Anime and Manga
Anime and Manga - Edited Guide Entry
Created: 4th January 2001
How Mills and Boon turned to manga comics - By Charles Bodsworth
in Tokyo
Manga mania in the city
Friday, 11 January, 2002, 16:36 GMT
Asterix under attack from Japan - By Caroline Wyatt
BBC correspondent in Paris
Hayao Miyazaki
Shakespeare gets comic treatment - By Gary Eason
Education editor, BBC News website
Created: 4th January 2001
How Mills and Boon turned to manga comics - By Charles Bodsworth
in Tokyo
Manga mania in the city
Friday, 11 January, 2002, 16:36 GMT
Asterix under attack from Japan - By Caroline Wyatt
BBC correspondent in Paris
Hayao Miyazaki
Shakespeare gets comic treatment - By Gary Eason
Education editor, BBC News website
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Pictures of the Week - TIME
Pictures of the Week - TIME
September 7 - 13, 2007
Friday, September 7, 2007
Taking a Dive
A disabled athlete prepares to jump into a pool as he attends a training session at the South of the Clouds Swimming Club in Kunming, China. The club, the first of its kind in China, aims to provide swimming facilities and training lessons for disabled youngsters.
September 7 - 13, 2007
Friday, September 7, 2007
Taking a Dive
A disabled athlete prepares to jump into a pool as he attends a training session at the South of the Clouds Swimming Club in Kunming, China. The club, the first of its kind in China, aims to provide swimming facilities and training lessons for disabled youngsters.
Bloglines | Preview Feed
Bloglines | Preview Feed
* Updated: Sat, Sep 15 2007 5:46 AM
I Spy With My Little Eye
May I take your order?
Extreme Ironing
Turkish Coffee
The Solar Wind
The Cerebral Cortex
Congenital Heart Defect
* Updated: Sat, Sep 15 2007 5:46 AM
I Spy With My Little Eye
May I take your order?
Extreme Ironing
Turkish Coffee
The Solar Wind
The Cerebral Cortex
Congenital Heart Defect
Friday, September 14, 2007
Thursday, September 13, 2007
村野井 仁, 2006:132-124(一部改)
- 語彙力を伸ばすために、単語帳を使っている。
- 語彙力を伸ばすために、リスニングやリーディングで大量にインプットしている。
- 自分で語彙リストを作ったり、使えそうな表現をメモしたりしている。
- 分野別、機能別などのグループ分けを意識して、語彙を学習している。
- 関連のある語彙を並べたり、いくつかの語彙でストーリーを作ることがある(意味地図)。
- 単語の構成要素(re- = "again")を意識して、語彙を学習している。
- 単語のコロケーション(make + sense)を意識して、語彙を学習している。
- 新しく覚える語句の意味を英英辞典で確認している。
- 単語の反意語、派生語、関連語を意識して、語彙を学習している。
- 覚えようとする語句の発音を繰り返し練習している。
- 理解した文章を音読することがある。
- 音読するときには、音声を聞いて同時に読んだり、音声を聞いて文字を見ないで同時に発声したりすることがある。
- 使いこなせない文法項目に出会うと、繰り返し練習することがある。
- 決まり文句などを積極的に覚え、活用しようとしている。
- 文章を読むときは、フレーズごとに意味のまとまりを意識して読んでいる。
- 文章を読むときや聞くときは、トピックセンテンスを意識している。
- 文章を読むときは、文のつながりを示す言葉(howeverなど)に注意して読んでいる。
- 意味のわからない単語に出会ったときは、前後関係から意味を推測するようにしている。
- 単語の意味を調べるとき、専門用語などはそれに適した用語辞典などで調べるようにしている。
- ややこしい構文に出会ったとき、どんな構造なのか分析しようとしてみる。
- わからない構文に出会ったとき、文法書で確認したり、人にたずねたりしている。
- 複雑な文や重要な文は、日本語に訳してみる。
- リスニングやリーディングのときに、重要表現や覚えたい表現をマークすることがある。
- リスニングやリーディングのときに、メモを取ることがある。
- リスニングやリーディングの後で、内容を要約することがある。
- リスニングやリーディングの後で、内容を言ってみることがある。
- リスニングやリーディングの後で、内容を書いてみることがある。
- なぜ英語を身につけようとしているのか、しっかり考えている。
- 英語を身につけるということは、どんな力を身につけることなのかを考え、明確な目標をもっている。
- 英語学習をいつ、どのように行うか、大まかな計画を立てている。
- 英語を聞いたり、読んだり、書いたり、口に出したり、対話をしたりする機会を積極的につくっている。
- 自分の英語力がどの程度なのか、英語試験をうけて確認している。
- リスニングやリーディングのときに、写真、絵、図、見出しなどがあればそれを見て、はじめにだいたいの内容を把握しようとしている。
- スピーキングやライティングで、言いたいことがうまく出てこない場合、知っている表現でなんとか伝えようとする。
- スピーキングで、言いたいことがうまく出てこない場合、身振りなどを使ってなんとか伝えようとする。
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Saturday, August 11, 2007
1. Miyuki Miyabe
2. Hayao Miyazaki
3. Sting
4. Chicago
5. Chomsky
6. Vigotsky
7. Gorbachev
8. Ichiro Suzuki
2. Hayao Miyazaki
3. Sting
4. Chicago
5. Chomsky
6. Vigotsky
7. Gorbachev
8. Ichiro Suzuki
1. Aug 4
Are you following Major League Baseball?
Iguchi was transferred from the White Sox to the Phillies, and everyone is waiting for Barry Bonds to break Hank Aaron’s home run record.
In the meantime, Matsui Hideki is working hard.
He hit 13 home runs in July and was named MVP for the month.
He certainly deserved it.
2. Aug 3
I was sad to hear that Aku Yuu had died.
He wrote the lyrics (“kashi”) for several songs that I knew and liked.
For example, he wrote my favorite Miyako Harumi song, “Kita no Yado Kara.”
He also wrote the lyrics for “UFO” by Pink Lady.
I didn’t know anything about him until I read about his death in the newspaper yesterday.
They said that he wrote 5000 songs in his lifetime.
What an incredible man!
3. Aug 1
The answer to yesterday’s quiz is Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Many people don’t realize that he wasn’t born in the U.S., but if you listen to him speak, you can hear his Austrian accent.
He is an example of the American dream.
He didn’t come from a rich family, but he worked hard and became the best bodybuilder in the world.
He moved to the U.S. so that he could become an actor.
After he became rich and famous, he went into politics.
4. Jul 31
Guess whose birthday it was yesterday.
He has just turned 60.
I’m sure you know him.
I’ll give you some hints.
He was born in Austria.
He became a world champion bodybuilder and then moved to the U.S.
He made a lot of action movies in Hollywood and became a big star.
Now he is the governor of California.
5. Jul 20
There is a beauty contest in Bolivia for native women.
This year, Mariela Molinedo, the winner of the contest, was caught cheating (“caningu”).
Women must wear traditional clothes and have braided hair (“mitsuami”), but Ms. Molinedo had short hair.
She made people think that she had long hair because she used false braids.
They found out just after she was crowned.
In the end, they took away all her prizes.
6. Jul 11
You can see the footprints (“ashiato”) and handprints (“tegata”) of movie stars at Grauman’s Chinese Theater in Hollywood.
The most famous stars are invited to make prints in a cement square.
When the cement hardens, the block is added to those of the other stars in front of the theater.
A few days ago David Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint of the Harry Potter series became the newest stars to leave their prints in cement.
7. Jul 6
Every year on July 4th there is a hot dog eating contest in New York.
For the last six years, the winner has been a small man named Kobayashi from Nagoya (Koby is his nickname in the U.S.).
Last year, an American named Joey Chestnut came in a close second with 52 hot dogs to Koby’s 53 and 3/4.
Well, this year Chestnut finally beat Koby 66 to 63,
They ate that many hot dogs in only 12 minutes!
8. Jun 16
One of my favorite actors is Robin Williams.
The first time I saw him was in a movie called “Good Morning, Vietnam.”
He played a DJ for the army during the Vietnam War.
You may know him as the voice of the genie in the Disney movie, “Aladdin.”
He also narrated the recent animated movie, “Happy Feet.”
He usually does comedy, but he can play serious roles (“yaku”), too.
He did a great job in “Good Will Hunting.”
9. Jun 1
Riyo Mori was crowned “Miss Universe” this week.
She became the second Japanese woman to win the title.
If you want to see how ideas of beauty have changed, go to the Miss Universe web site and look at the past titleholders(=champions).
The bright red lips and curly permanents (“pa-ma”) are gone.
Contestants (“shutsujousha”) these days have longer hair and lighter lips.
10. May 14
Isn’t Kazuyoshi Miura amazing?
He left high school to train in Brazil and became the first Japanese player on a professional Brazilian team.
Then he came back to Japan to help start the “J” League.
He went on to play in Europe and in the new soccer league in Australia.
Now he’s back in Japan and has set a new record.
At 40 he’s the oldest soccer player to score a goal in Japanese soccer history.
11. May 3
My mother, who lives near Boston, hears the name Daisuke a lot.
It’s the first name of my son-in-law, but it’s also the first name of the Boston Red Sox’s newest big name player.
Matsuzaka is so popular that restaurant owners are creating new food and drink menus with Matsuzaka sushi and a Matsuzaka cocktail.
When Daisuke pitches and wins, fans order those things.
12. Mar 27
What people will do to get into the Guinness Book of World Records!
One man from Britain, Robert Garside, spent 6 years running around the world.
He ran through Africa and in the Himalayas.
He ran through China and Russia.
He met the woman who later became his wife while running through Venezuela (how do you have a date while you are running around the world?).
Are you following Major League Baseball?
Iguchi was transferred from the White Sox to the Phillies, and everyone is waiting for Barry Bonds to break Hank Aaron’s home run record.
In the meantime, Matsui Hideki is working hard.
He hit 13 home runs in July and was named MVP for the month.
He certainly deserved it.
2. Aug 3
I was sad to hear that Aku Yuu had died.
He wrote the lyrics (“kashi”) for several songs that I knew and liked.
For example, he wrote my favorite Miyako Harumi song, “Kita no Yado Kara.”
He also wrote the lyrics for “UFO” by Pink Lady.
I didn’t know anything about him until I read about his death in the newspaper yesterday.
They said that he wrote 5000 songs in his lifetime.
What an incredible man!
3. Aug 1
The answer to yesterday’s quiz is Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Many people don’t realize that he wasn’t born in the U.S., but if you listen to him speak, you can hear his Austrian accent.
He is an example of the American dream.
He didn’t come from a rich family, but he worked hard and became the best bodybuilder in the world.
He moved to the U.S. so that he could become an actor.
After he became rich and famous, he went into politics.
4. Jul 31
Guess whose birthday it was yesterday.
He has just turned 60.
I’m sure you know him.
I’ll give you some hints.
He was born in Austria.
He became a world champion bodybuilder and then moved to the U.S.
He made a lot of action movies in Hollywood and became a big star.
Now he is the governor of California.
5. Jul 20
There is a beauty contest in Bolivia for native women.
This year, Mariela Molinedo, the winner of the contest, was caught cheating (“caningu”).
Women must wear traditional clothes and have braided hair (“mitsuami”), but Ms. Molinedo had short hair.
She made people think that she had long hair because she used false braids.
They found out just after she was crowned.
In the end, they took away all her prizes.
6. Jul 11
You can see the footprints (“ashiato”) and handprints (“tegata”) of movie stars at Grauman’s Chinese Theater in Hollywood.
The most famous stars are invited to make prints in a cement square.
When the cement hardens, the block is added to those of the other stars in front of the theater.
A few days ago David Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint of the Harry Potter series became the newest stars to leave their prints in cement.
7. Jul 6
Every year on July 4th there is a hot dog eating contest in New York.
For the last six years, the winner has been a small man named Kobayashi from Nagoya (Koby is his nickname in the U.S.).
Last year, an American named Joey Chestnut came in a close second with 52 hot dogs to Koby’s 53 and 3/4.
Well, this year Chestnut finally beat Koby 66 to 63,
They ate that many hot dogs in only 12 minutes!
8. Jun 16
One of my favorite actors is Robin Williams.
The first time I saw him was in a movie called “Good Morning, Vietnam.”
He played a DJ for the army during the Vietnam War.
You may know him as the voice of the genie in the Disney movie, “Aladdin.”
He also narrated the recent animated movie, “Happy Feet.”
He usually does comedy, but he can play serious roles (“yaku”), too.
He did a great job in “Good Will Hunting.”
9. Jun 1
Riyo Mori was crowned “Miss Universe” this week.
She became the second Japanese woman to win the title.
If you want to see how ideas of beauty have changed, go to the Miss Universe web site and look at the past titleholders(=champions).
The bright red lips and curly permanents (“pa-ma”) are gone.
Contestants (“shutsujousha”) these days have longer hair and lighter lips.
10. May 14
Isn’t Kazuyoshi Miura amazing?
He left high school to train in Brazil and became the first Japanese player on a professional Brazilian team.
Then he came back to Japan to help start the “J” League.
He went on to play in Europe and in the new soccer league in Australia.
Now he’s back in Japan and has set a new record.
At 40 he’s the oldest soccer player to score a goal in Japanese soccer history.
11. May 3
My mother, who lives near Boston, hears the name Daisuke a lot.
It’s the first name of my son-in-law, but it’s also the first name of the Boston Red Sox’s newest big name player.
Matsuzaka is so popular that restaurant owners are creating new food and drink menus with Matsuzaka sushi and a Matsuzaka cocktail.
When Daisuke pitches and wins, fans order those things.
12. Mar 27
What people will do to get into the Guinness Book of World Records!
One man from Britain, Robert Garside, spent 6 years running around the world.
He ran through Africa and in the Himalayas.
He ran through China and Russia.
He met the woman who later became his wife while running through Venezuela (how do you have a date while you are running around the world?).
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Good for CC (FAll)
Touch Typing
Dance Mat Typing
Typing Lessons
Touch Typing
Dance Mat Typing
Typing Lessons
Monday, July 30, 2007
Thursday, July 26, 2007
VOA News - Colorado National Monument Shows the Wild Artistry of Nature
VOA News - Colorado National Monument Shows the Wild Artistry of Nature
for reading and listening activity.
for reading and listening activity.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
8月4日一泊 (受付ささきさん) 5800円朝食付き
8時ー9時チェックイン(10時すぎなら連絡すること 24時間あいてるけど)
*天然温泉 鶴崎ホテル 大分県大分市
電話 0120-646-489 (フリーダイヤル)
FAX 097-522-0720
7:40(大阪発)JAC2361 8:45(大分着)→ 8:55(ホーバー?)9:25→9:30(バス)9:46(大分駅前着)
0120-94-1515 にTEL
<大阪営業所>〒530-0001 大阪府大阪市北区梅田1-1-3-100号
Jordan (03-5369-4056) で片道予約(普通運賃 19700円)担当:いいお
チケットレス JAL2361便 8月4日7:40-8:45
2368 (yamauchi[at] に予約内容詳細がメールでくる。
JAL 大阪予約センター(0120-25-5971)で片道予約(普通運賃 19700円)担当:いしだ
2366便 8月5日15:50-16-50
8月4日一泊 (受付ささきさん) 5800円朝食付き
8時ー9時チェックイン(10時すぎなら連絡すること 24時間あいてるけど)
*天然温泉 鶴崎ホテル 大分県大分市
電話 0120-646-489 (フリーダイヤル)
FAX 097-522-0720
7:40(大阪発)JAC2361 8:45(大分着)→ 8:55(ホーバー?)9:25→9:30(バス)9:46(大分駅前着)
0120-94-1515 にTEL
<大阪営業所>〒530-0001 大阪府大阪市北区梅田1-1-3-100号
Jordan (03-5369-4056) で片道予約(普通運賃 19700円)担当:いいお
チケットレス JAL2361便 8月4日7:40-8:45
2368 (yamauchi[at] に予約内容詳細がメールでくる。
JAL 大阪予約センター(0120-25-5971)で片道予約(普通運賃 19700円)担当:いしだ
2366便 8月5日15:50-16-50
Monday, July 16, 2007
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Saturday, June 2, 2007
変わる方言動く標準語 - 井上史雄
変わる方言 動く標準語 (ちくま新書) | |
井上 史雄 おすすめ平均 Amazonで詳しく見る by G-Tools |
Saturday, May 26, 2007
食い逃げされてもバイトは雇うな - 山田真哉
食い逃げされてもバイトは雇うな 禁じられた数字 〈上〉 (光文社新書) | |
山田 真哉 光文社 2007-04-17 売り上げランキング : 31886 Amazonで詳しく見るby G-Tools 関連商品 「食い逃げされてもバイトは雇うな」なんて大間違い 禁じられた数字〈下〉 (光文社新書) さおだけ屋はなぜ潰れないのか? 身近な疑問からはじめる会計学 (光文社新書) さおだけ屋はなぜ潰れたのか? コピー用紙の裏は使うな!―コスト削減の真実 (朝日新書 37) <女子大生会計士の事件簿>世界一やさしい会計の本です |
Friday, May 25, 2007
Encyclopedia of Educational Technology
Encyclopedia of Educational Technology
Table of contents
Cognition and Learning
* Active learning
* Anchored instruction
* Anchored learning
* Andragogy
* Applied Behavior Analysis
* Artificial intelligence in education
* Artificial neural networks
* Attention: getting it
* Attention: keeping it
* Attention theory
* Audio: Does it help?
* Autodidactic learning
* Automaticity: A learned advantage
* Automaticity: Skill building
* Bloom's learning domains
* Bloom's taxonomy
* Bloom's taxonomy revised
* Brain-based learning
* Brain hemispheres: fiction and fact
* Chunks: Superior memory of experts
* Cue summation in instructional multimedia
* Cooperative groups
* Cooperative learning
* Cognitive dissonance
* Cognitive load theory
* Cognitive style assessment
* Computer hardware as brain
* Digital natives in the classroom
* Discovery learning
* Early childhood computing
* Ecological psychology: Tools
* What is Educational Technology?
* Effective learning with movitation
* Emotion, memory, and stories
* Engagement in mathematics
* Flow and peak performance
* Flow: Optimal experience
* Gagne's nine events of instruction
* Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences
* Gender and technology
* Gestalt theory
* GIS and the K-12 Teacher
* Guilford's Structure of Intellect
* Hemispheric dominance
* How eLearning changes the classroom
* Howard Gardner's multiple intelligence theory
* Humor in instructional design
* Hypnopaedia: sleep-learning
* Information quantity and cognition
* Instructor provided notes
* Interactive whiteboards
* Intrinsic motivation for physical education
* Keller's ARCS Model-Attention
* Keller's ARCS Model-Confidence
* Keller's ARCS Model-Relevance
* Keller's ARCS Model-Satisfaction
* Knowledge systems design
* Learning and meditation
* Learning theory fundamentals
* Learning styles
* Long term memory
* Maslow's hierarchy of needs
* Memory model
* Metacognition
* Metacognition v2
* Mind as rhizome
* Multi-Channel learning
* Multimedia and the learning process
* Multimedia and multiple intelligences
* Multiple intelligences, Part 1
* Multiple intelligences, Part 2
* Music and learning
* Music enhances reasoning
* Music's contribution to academic success
* Overlearning
* Operant conditioning
* Piaget's developmental stages
* Piano lessons and spatial-temporal reasoning
* Postmodern instructional design
* Psychomotor taxonomy
* Reactive vs. active theory
* Sense and memory
* Sensory modalities for learning
* Short term memory
* Situated learning
* Sleep and learning
* Sleep and memory
* Social learning theory
* Stereotypes
* Subliminal learning
* Techniques for memory retention
* Technology supports learner-centered principles
* Transfer: a principle of learning
* Transfer of learning
* Understanding deaf education
* Using simulations to facilitate learning
* Visual perception: Gestalt laws
* Visual perception: illusions
* Working memory
* Vygotsky's Social Development Theory
* Vygotsky: Zone of proximal development
* Authoring Instructional Materials (AIM)
* Conducting performance analysis
* Effective interviewing
* Finding solutions to performance problems
* Human performance technology
* ID in a cross-cultural context
* Performance analysis: an overview
* Quick solutions to performance problems
* Stakeholders in user-centered design
* Technology and analysis
* Training needs assessment
* Understanding goals
* Why performance analysis
Data representation
* About mind maps: What and why
* Chosing the right graph
* Clear writing for international English readers
* Comparison graphs
* Graph labels
* Mindmap your way to success
* Misrepresentation of data
* Preparing presentations for educational use
* Blogs in online college classes
* Choosing tools for real time virtual meetings
* Course design
* Creating social presence online
* Cultural implications for online learning
* Designing Web-based tutorials
* Distance education
* Distance education and learning style
* Distance learning essentials
* Emerging technologies
* Facilitating classes online
* Developing a professional community
* Distance education: The human dimension
* Instructor's role
* Intelligent tutoring systems
* I CARE instructional design system
* Lab design and learning
* Learner control: Is it for everyone?
* Learner control in web-based instruction
* Learner-interface interaction
* Mediating interpersonal interactivity
* Mobile learning
* Online interaction
* Online fair use
* Podcasting
* Preparing students to join the online learning community
* Rich active learning environments
* SCORM: What it is and how it is used
* Stages of online learning
* Synchronous and asynchronous technology
* Technology and collabortive environments
* Transactional distance
* Wikis
* Wikis: Working their way into the Web
Learning Strategies
* Accidental learning through computer games
* Blended learning
* Blended learning: choosing the right blend
* Component Display Theory
* Communicative language teaching
* Criterion-referenced instruction
* Digital game learning
* Digital games as learning environments
* Drafting instructional objectives
* E-coaching for fitness
* Elaboration as a learning tool
* Elaboration feedback
* Feedback and emerging technologies
* Feng Shui for the training room
* Functional context education
* Games and simulations
* Higher-level thinking
* Instructional technology in the third world
* Jigsaw cooperative groups
* Learning math with CBI
* Learning with stories
* Management games: Openers
* Mass collaboration: A means of self-organization
* Mnemonics
* Modeling, coaching, and scaffolding
* Motivating your learner
* Multimedia for adult literacy
* Multimedia in the EFL/ESL classroom
* Notetaking
* Online interactivity
* Process art as a learning tool
* Problem based learning
* Problem based learning 2
* Project based learning
* Real time feedback in programmed learning
* Simulations
* Simulation-based training
* Stories as an instructional tool
* Teaching concepts
* Technology for inclusion
* Training to fluency
* Web Survey Design
* Webquests
Message Design
* Animation in literacy development
* Audio presentations
* Attitude Change
* Captology
* Choosing appropriate media
* Cognitive dissonance
* Connecting with classroom Websites
* Designing hypertext links
* Design principles: Proximity and alignment
* Design principles: Repetition and contrast
* Designing web pages for blind readers
* Factual information: Display guidelines
* Gender differences
* Gestalt principles of design
* Graphic organizers
* Hypertext and hypermedia: An overview
* Information design
* Information mapping
* Interactive animation
* Instructional illustration
* Instructional design for the international market
* Levels of feedback
* Medium is not the only message
* Minimalism
* Mixed modalities work
* Modality principle
* Multimedia design controversies
* Multimedia presentations
* Pictures in education
* Redundancy principle
* Secondary classroom websites
* Seven attentional shifts in ID
* Sign, symbols and icons
* Stereotyping
* Symbols and the senses
* Text contrast
* Text design
* Text design for the elderly
* Three levels of hypermedia in education
* Types of information
* Typography
* Typography for instructional media
* Typography: What you should know
* User-centered design for hypertext
* Using graphics and animation in instruction
* Using words to strengthen pictures
* Visual Analogies
* Visual thinking tools
* Web page text design guidelines
* Write clearly
* Zoom
Learning Objects
* Creating learning objects
* Knowledge objects
* Object-oriented thinking
* Object models
* Microlearning
* Reusable learning objects
Using Color
* Choosing a color palette
* Choosing color schemes
* Color in education
* Color managment
* Contrast of color
* The importance of color contrast
* Principles of using color
* The psychology of color
* Setting the mood with color
* Why use color?
Video Learning
* Camera shots
* Family dynamics for television
* Formal features of television
* Formative research at the Children's Television Workshop
* Learning from television stereotypes
* Post television viewing behavior
* Scriptwriting for video
* Vodcasting
* Choosing instructional metaphors
* Developing a visual concept
* Dual coding - images and illustrations
* Effectiveness of layout
* Effective picture composition
* The explicative role of illustrations
* Functional role of graphics
* Graphical integrity
* Grids for page layout
* Line in visual communication
* Page design principles
* Screen design
* Using still and moving images for instruction
* Visual perception
* Using animation
* Using imagery to teach concrete concepts
* Using pictures to increase comprehension
* Graphical user interface
* HTML-based help
* Pedagogical agents
* User-centered interface design
* Using image maps
* Access for multiple disabilities
* Accessible graphic navigation
* Adapting keyboards for multiple disabilities
* Assistive technology
* Designing for accessibility
* Web accessibility
* Web accessibility for deaf and hard of hearing
* Web accessibility for the hearing impaired
* Web accessibility for the visually impaired
* Web accessibility for older adults
Visual Design
* 3D basics 1
* 3D basics 2
* Character creation
* Dynamic graphics for text enhancement
* Fonts
* Tips for digital photography
Multimedia Development
* Audio - creating the right file
* Audio tutorial learning strategy
* Bitmap vs. vector graphics
* Computer testing and assessment
* Gifs or Jpgs
* Image resolution and file size
* Interactive buttons
* Interface design: setting a consistent style
* Interface style: 2D-3D
* Low-bandwidth movie delivery
* Medical education
* Storyboards
* Student created video
* Technology supports learner-centered principles
* Top ten web design blunders
* Using multimedia technology to teach Mexican-American deaf children
* Web development: identifying end users
* Web page design: 10 don'ts
* Web page design: creative uses of "web-safe" color
* Web page design: layout control
* Web page design: types of navigation
* Web page design: graphic resources for non-artists
* Web page design: GIF vs. JPEG
* Web page design: interactivity
* Web site navigation structures
Television Production
* Aesthetics: head room and nose room
* Audio for video
* Computer graphics for video
* Streaming video
* Three-point lighting
* Transitions in video editing
* To light or not to light
* Flow charting for instructional design
* Open source software
* Project management for instructional designers
* Understanding fair use
* Using style guides
* Wikis for project management
* Wizards
* Electronic Performance Support Systems
* Job aids
* Job aids v2
* Job aids vs training
* Mentoring
Virtual reality
* Applications of virtual reality
* Cyberspace
* Desktop virtual reality
* Game theory
* Instructional simulations: an overview
* Technology and simulation-based learning
* Virtual reality
* Virtual reality and k12 education
* Virtual reality for the handicapped
* VRML 3D objects
Web-based training
* Netiquette
* Web fonts
* Blogging techniques in the K12 classroom
* Blogs in education
* Concept maps for science
* Computer managed instructional systems
* Computers anxiety
* Computers in the K12 classroom
* Course management systems
* Creating a paperless classroom
* Creating a professional portfolio
* Differentiating the learning environment
* Engaged learning for at-risk students
* Ergonomics in the computer classroom
* Evaluating online resources
* Formative assessment
* Formative assessment and feedback
* Human resources management
* Improving literacy with technology
* Integrating technology with results
* Internet for mobile units
* Knowledge management
* Knowledge management: Success factors
* Learning management systems
* Measurement scales
* Media literacy
* Media presentations
* Mobile technology
* Newpapers as teaching tools
* Online community building
* Online learning environments
* Paperless classroom
* Review activities
* School technology integration
* Tablet PCs in the classroom
* Teaching procedures
* Technology and gender differences
* Technology gender gap
* Television in the classroom
* Training: Event or process (coaching)
* Understanding fair use
* Using classroom projection
* Virtual high schools
* Web-based training
* Authentic assessment
* Assessing student learning
* Assessment and simulation interactions
* Computer adaptive testing
* Creating a professional portfolio
* Critical components for Technology Plans
* Developing effective satisfaction surveys
* Editing strategies
* Kirkpatrick's 4 levels of evaluation
* Methods of inquiry
* Performance based assessment
* Return on investment--an evaluative framework
* Rubrics
* Security for online testing
* Standard deviation
* State standards vs. ISTE standards
* Student-led conferences
* Types of survey questions
* Usability testing
Table of contents
Cognition and Learning
* Active learning
* Anchored instruction
* Anchored learning
* Andragogy
* Applied Behavior Analysis
* Artificial intelligence in education
* Artificial neural networks
* Attention: getting it
* Attention: keeping it
* Attention theory
* Audio: Does it help?
* Autodidactic learning
* Automaticity: A learned advantage
* Automaticity: Skill building
* Bloom's learning domains
* Bloom's taxonomy
* Bloom's taxonomy revised
* Brain-based learning
* Brain hemispheres: fiction and fact
* Chunks: Superior memory of experts
* Cue summation in instructional multimedia
* Cooperative groups
* Cooperative learning
* Cognitive dissonance
* Cognitive load theory
* Cognitive style assessment
* Computer hardware as brain
* Digital natives in the classroom
* Discovery learning
* Early childhood computing
* Ecological psychology: Tools
* What is Educational Technology?
* Effective learning with movitation
* Emotion, memory, and stories
* Engagement in mathematics
* Flow and peak performance
* Flow: Optimal experience
* Gagne's nine events of instruction
* Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences
* Gender and technology
* Gestalt theory
* GIS and the K-12 Teacher
* Guilford's Structure of Intellect
* Hemispheric dominance
* How eLearning changes the classroom
* Howard Gardner's multiple intelligence theory
* Humor in instructional design
* Hypnopaedia: sleep-learning
* Information quantity and cognition
* Instructor provided notes
* Interactive whiteboards
* Intrinsic motivation for physical education
* Keller's ARCS Model-Attention
* Keller's ARCS Model-Confidence
* Keller's ARCS Model-Relevance
* Keller's ARCS Model-Satisfaction
* Knowledge systems design
* Learning and meditation
* Learning theory fundamentals
* Learning styles
* Long term memory
* Maslow's hierarchy of needs
* Memory model
* Metacognition
* Metacognition v2
* Mind as rhizome
* Multi-Channel learning
* Multimedia and the learning process
* Multimedia and multiple intelligences
* Multiple intelligences, Part 1
* Multiple intelligences, Part 2
* Music and learning
* Music enhances reasoning
* Music's contribution to academic success
* Overlearning
* Operant conditioning
* Piaget's developmental stages
* Piano lessons and spatial-temporal reasoning
* Postmodern instructional design
* Psychomotor taxonomy
* Reactive vs. active theory
* Sense and memory
* Sensory modalities for learning
* Short term memory
* Situated learning
* Sleep and learning
* Sleep and memory
* Social learning theory
* Stereotypes
* Subliminal learning
* Techniques for memory retention
* Technology supports learner-centered principles
* Transfer: a principle of learning
* Transfer of learning
* Understanding deaf education
* Using simulations to facilitate learning
* Visual perception: Gestalt laws
* Visual perception: illusions
* Working memory
* Vygotsky's Social Development Theory
* Vygotsky: Zone of proximal development
* Authoring Instructional Materials (AIM)
* Conducting performance analysis
* Effective interviewing
* Finding solutions to performance problems
* Human performance technology
* ID in a cross-cultural context
* Performance analysis: an overview
* Quick solutions to performance problems
* Stakeholders in user-centered design
* Technology and analysis
* Training needs assessment
* Understanding goals
* Why performance analysis
Data representation
* About mind maps: What and why
* Chosing the right graph
* Clear writing for international English readers
* Comparison graphs
* Graph labels
* Mindmap your way to success
* Misrepresentation of data
* Preparing presentations for educational use
* Blogs in online college classes
* Choosing tools for real time virtual meetings
* Course design
* Creating social presence online
* Cultural implications for online learning
* Designing Web-based tutorials
* Distance education
* Distance education and learning style
* Distance learning essentials
* Emerging technologies
* Facilitating classes online
* Developing a professional community
* Distance education: The human dimension
* Instructor's role
* Intelligent tutoring systems
* I CARE instructional design system
* Lab design and learning
* Learner control: Is it for everyone?
* Learner control in web-based instruction
* Learner-interface interaction
* Mediating interpersonal interactivity
* Mobile learning
* Online interaction
* Online fair use
* Podcasting
* Preparing students to join the online learning community
* Rich active learning environments
* SCORM: What it is and how it is used
* Stages of online learning
* Synchronous and asynchronous technology
* Technology and collabortive environments
* Transactional distance
* Wikis
* Wikis: Working their way into the Web
Learning Strategies
* Accidental learning through computer games
* Blended learning
* Blended learning: choosing the right blend
* Component Display Theory
* Communicative language teaching
* Criterion-referenced instruction
* Digital game learning
* Digital games as learning environments
* Drafting instructional objectives
* E-coaching for fitness
* Elaboration as a learning tool
* Elaboration feedback
* Feedback and emerging technologies
* Feng Shui for the training room
* Functional context education
* Games and simulations
* Higher-level thinking
* Instructional technology in the third world
* Jigsaw cooperative groups
* Learning math with CBI
* Learning with stories
* Management games: Openers
* Mass collaboration: A means of self-organization
* Mnemonics
* Modeling, coaching, and scaffolding
* Motivating your learner
* Multimedia for adult literacy
* Multimedia in the EFL/ESL classroom
* Notetaking
* Online interactivity
* Process art as a learning tool
* Problem based learning
* Problem based learning 2
* Project based learning
* Real time feedback in programmed learning
* Simulations
* Simulation-based training
* Stories as an instructional tool
* Teaching concepts
* Technology for inclusion
* Training to fluency
* Web Survey Design
* Webquests
Message Design
* Animation in literacy development
* Audio presentations
* Attitude Change
* Captology
* Choosing appropriate media
* Cognitive dissonance
* Connecting with classroom Websites
* Designing hypertext links
* Design principles: Proximity and alignment
* Design principles: Repetition and contrast
* Designing web pages for blind readers
* Factual information: Display guidelines
* Gender differences
* Gestalt principles of design
* Graphic organizers
* Hypertext and hypermedia: An overview
* Information design
* Information mapping
* Interactive animation
* Instructional illustration
* Instructional design for the international market
* Levels of feedback
* Medium is not the only message
* Minimalism
* Mixed modalities work
* Modality principle
* Multimedia design controversies
* Multimedia presentations
* Pictures in education
* Redundancy principle
* Secondary classroom websites
* Seven attentional shifts in ID
* Sign, symbols and icons
* Stereotyping
* Symbols and the senses
* Text contrast
* Text design
* Text design for the elderly
* Three levels of hypermedia in education
* Types of information
* Typography
* Typography for instructional media
* Typography: What you should know
* User-centered design for hypertext
* Using graphics and animation in instruction
* Using words to strengthen pictures
* Visual Analogies
* Visual thinking tools
* Web page text design guidelines
* Write clearly
* Zoom
Learning Objects
* Creating learning objects
* Knowledge objects
* Object-oriented thinking
* Object models
* Microlearning
* Reusable learning objects
Using Color
* Choosing a color palette
* Choosing color schemes
* Color in education
* Color managment
* Contrast of color
* The importance of color contrast
* Principles of using color
* The psychology of color
* Setting the mood with color
* Why use color?
Video Learning
* Camera shots
* Family dynamics for television
* Formal features of television
* Formative research at the Children's Television Workshop
* Learning from television stereotypes
* Post television viewing behavior
* Scriptwriting for video
* Vodcasting
* Choosing instructional metaphors
* Developing a visual concept
* Dual coding - images and illustrations
* Effectiveness of layout
* Effective picture composition
* The explicative role of illustrations
* Functional role of graphics
* Graphical integrity
* Grids for page layout
* Line in visual communication
* Page design principles
* Screen design
* Using still and moving images for instruction
* Visual perception
* Using animation
* Using imagery to teach concrete concepts
* Using pictures to increase comprehension
* Graphical user interface
* HTML-based help
* Pedagogical agents
* User-centered interface design
* Using image maps
* Access for multiple disabilities
* Accessible graphic navigation
* Adapting keyboards for multiple disabilities
* Assistive technology
* Designing for accessibility
* Web accessibility
* Web accessibility for deaf and hard of hearing
* Web accessibility for the hearing impaired
* Web accessibility for the visually impaired
* Web accessibility for older adults
Visual Design
* 3D basics 1
* 3D basics 2
* Character creation
* Dynamic graphics for text enhancement
* Fonts
* Tips for digital photography
Multimedia Development
* Audio - creating the right file
* Audio tutorial learning strategy
* Bitmap vs. vector graphics
* Computer testing and assessment
* Gifs or Jpgs
* Image resolution and file size
* Interactive buttons
* Interface design: setting a consistent style
* Interface style: 2D-3D
* Low-bandwidth movie delivery
* Medical education
* Storyboards
* Student created video
* Technology supports learner-centered principles
* Top ten web design blunders
* Using multimedia technology to teach Mexican-American deaf children
* Web development: identifying end users
* Web page design: 10 don'ts
* Web page design: creative uses of "web-safe" color
* Web page design: layout control
* Web page design: types of navigation
* Web page design: graphic resources for non-artists
* Web page design: GIF vs. JPEG
* Web page design: interactivity
* Web site navigation structures
Television Production
* Aesthetics: head room and nose room
* Audio for video
* Computer graphics for video
* Streaming video
* Three-point lighting
* Transitions in video editing
* To light or not to light
* Flow charting for instructional design
* Open source software
* Project management for instructional designers
* Understanding fair use
* Using style guides
* Wikis for project management
* Wizards
* Electronic Performance Support Systems
* Job aids
* Job aids v2
* Job aids vs training
* Mentoring
Virtual reality
* Applications of virtual reality
* Cyberspace
* Desktop virtual reality
* Game theory
* Instructional simulations: an overview
* Technology and simulation-based learning
* Virtual reality
* Virtual reality and k12 education
* Virtual reality for the handicapped
* VRML 3D objects
Web-based training
* Netiquette
* Web fonts
* Blogging techniques in the K12 classroom
* Blogs in education
* Concept maps for science
* Computer managed instructional systems
* Computers anxiety
* Computers in the K12 classroom
* Course management systems
* Creating a paperless classroom
* Creating a professional portfolio
* Differentiating the learning environment
* Engaged learning for at-risk students
* Ergonomics in the computer classroom
* Evaluating online resources
* Formative assessment
* Formative assessment and feedback
* Human resources management
* Improving literacy with technology
* Integrating technology with results
* Internet for mobile units
* Knowledge management
* Knowledge management: Success factors
* Learning management systems
* Measurement scales
* Media literacy
* Media presentations
* Mobile technology
* Newpapers as teaching tools
* Online community building
* Online learning environments
* Paperless classroom
* Review activities
* School technology integration
* Tablet PCs in the classroom
* Teaching procedures
* Technology and gender differences
* Technology gender gap
* Television in the classroom
* Training: Event or process (coaching)
* Understanding fair use
* Using classroom projection
* Virtual high schools
* Web-based training
* Authentic assessment
* Assessing student learning
* Assessment and simulation interactions
* Computer adaptive testing
* Creating a professional portfolio
* Critical components for Technology Plans
* Developing effective satisfaction surveys
* Editing strategies
* Kirkpatrick's 4 levels of evaluation
* Methods of inquiry
* Performance based assessment
* Return on investment--an evaluative framework
* Rubrics
* Security for online testing
* Standard deviation
* State standards vs. ISTE standards
* Student-led conferences
* Types of survey questions
* Usability testing
blended learning,
learner diversity,
Monday, May 14, 2007
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Saturday, May 5, 2007
The Perfect Husband - Lisa Gardner
p.s. Third Victim (すごい好き!)以降読んでないなぁ。(2008.8.30)
The Perfect Husband Lisa Gardner 関連商品 誰も知らない恋人 (ヴィレッジブックス) The Third Victim あなただけに真実を (ヴィレッジブックス F カ 2-6) 誰かに見られてる (文春文庫) 弔いのポートレート (ヴィレッジブックス F ロ 3-16 イヴ&ローク 16) by G-Tools |
p.s. Third Victim (すごい好き!)以降読んでないなぁ。(2008.8.30)
Friday, May 4, 2007
RWC デジタルオーディオプレーヤー THUMBSTICK SOLID 512MB レッド TSV5-512R RWC デジタルオーディオプレーヤー THUMBSTICK SOLID 512MB レッド TSV5-512R: エレ�
崖の館 - 佐々木丸美
崖の館 (創元推理文庫) 佐々木 丸美 関連商品 水に描かれた館 (創元推理文庫) 夢館 (創元推理文庫 M さ 4-3) 雪の断章 (佐々木丸美コレクション) 忘れな草 (佐々木丸美コレクション 2) 風花の里 (佐々木丸美コレクション) by G-Tools |
欲ばり過ぎるニッポンの教育 - 苅谷剛彦/増田ユリヤ 他
欲ばり過ぎるニッポンの教育 (講談社現代新書) | |
苅谷 剛彦 おすすめ平均 Amazonで詳しく見る by G-Tools |
深追い - 横山秀夫
深追い (新潮文庫 よ 28-1) | |
横山 秀夫 新潮社 2007-04 売り上げランキング : 26822 Amazonで詳しく見るby G-Tools 関連商品 臨場 (光文社文庫 よ 14-1) 動機 (文春文庫) 陰の季節 (文春文庫) 看守眼 (JOY NOVELS) 影踏み (祥伝社文庫 よ 5-1) |
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Hitachi Cyber Support
Dream Passport
Google Toolbar for IE
Google Notebook for IE
(IEとGoogle Notebookってあんまり相性がよくない?それともPCのせいかな)
Hitachi Prius ツール
インターネットに接続するには などなど。
72MB 時間結構かかるわ。
MacMillan Dictionary
これも意外と使いづらかった。でもshared filesがすごく多い。そうそう使った覚えがないのに?
どこで使ってたんだ?このごろ結局MediaPlayer使ってたのに。 38MB
1,121,00MB! 大きいじゃん。1回も使ってないのに!
はいはい。まずはService Packね。
なんか一杯でてきたぞ。Service Pack 2を削除すると、正しく動作しなくなる可能性があるプログラム
Service Pack 削除やめ。つまりIEの削除も断念。
Hitachi Cyber Support
Dream Passport
Google Toolbar for IE
Google Notebook for IE
(IEとGoogle Notebookってあんまり相性がよくない?それともPCのせいかな)
Hitachi Prius ツール
インターネットに接続するには などなど。
72MB 時間結構かかるわ。
MacMillan Dictionary
これも意外と使いづらかった。でもshared filesがすごく多い。そうそう使った覚えがないのに?
どこで使ってたんだ?このごろ結局MediaPlayer使ってたのに。 38MB
1,121,00MB! 大きいじゃん。1回も使ってないのに!
Windows 2000 で Service Pack をインストールした場合にも、[アプリケーションの追加と削除] から [Internet Explorer] が削除されます (ただし Service Pack をアンインストールすると [アプリケーションの追加と削除] に [Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 とインターネット ツール] が再び表示されます)。関連情報を参照するには、以下の「サポート技術情報」 (Microsoft Knowledge Base) をクリックしてください。
はいはい。まずはService Packね。
なんか一杯でてきたぞ。Service Pack 2を削除すると、正しく動作しなくなる可能性があるプログラム
avatas!Antivirus ... もう一回ダウンロードし直し?
HotPotatoes ... これはまあいい。
Java2 Runtime Environment Standard
Windows XP セキュリティ更新、ホットフィックス
Firefox ... これもか!
Adobe ... ああ。
BUFFALO IP設定ユーティリティ ... これなあ。
ScacnGear Starter
CanoScan Toolbox
MSXML 4.0 SP2 ... なにこれ
Microsoft Office Professional ... ああ、これはやばい。
Creative MediaSource ... これなあ。いったんとっちゃってもいいんだけど。
SoundBlaster ... 同上
Service Pack 削除やめ。つまりIEの削除も断念。
OKWave Internet Explorer 7 が アンインストールできません・・ (for vista)
OKWave Internet Explorer 7 が アンインストールできません・・ (for vista)
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Saturday, April 21, 2007
教室の賢くなるパズル - 宮本 哲也
宮本算数教室の賢くなるパズル―四則・上級 宮本 哲也 by G-Tools |
Friday, April 20, 2007
Q&A - 恩田陸
Q&A (幻冬舎文庫 (お-7-8))
恩田 陸

by G-Tools
Q&A (幻冬舎文庫 (お-7-8))
恩田 陸
by G-Tools
Thursday, April 12, 2007
もう一つの王国 - グイン・サーガ 113
もう一つの王国 グイン・サーガ 113 栗本 薫 関連商品 紅鶴城の幽霊 グイン・サーガ 114 水神の祭り―グイン・サーガ〈115〉 (ハヤカワ文庫JA) 闘鬼 (ハヤカワ文庫 JA ク 1-116 グイン・サーガ 116) 闘王―グイン・サーガ〈112〉 (ハヤカワ文庫JA) 暁の脱出―グイン・サーガ〈117〉 (ハヤカワ文庫JA) by G-Tools |
(2007/04/12 08:41)
Monday, March 26, 2007
gmail 使用中に表示される広告でずっと気になっていた "free 5GB storage"。
昨日(おととい?)ぐらいにやっと手を出してみた。eSnips のサービスだった。
マックの方でダウンロード。使い始める前に、怪しげなソフトでないか念のためチェックしてみると TechCrunch のこんな記事 なんかが見つかった。
昨日(おととい?)ぐらいにやっと手を出してみた。eSnips のサービスだった。
マックの方でダウンロード。使い始める前に、怪しげなソフトでないか念のためチェックしてみると TechCrunch のこんな記事 なんかが見つかった。
Thursday, March 1, 2007
BBC 28 Feb 2007
* Vitamins 'could shorten lifespan' *
Certain vitamin supplements may shorten rather than prolong lifespan, research has suggested.
Full story
* Drug 'stops HIV's entry to cells' *
A new HIV drug shows promising results in people for whom other treatments no longer work, a study suggests.
Full story
* Teenage test results not so bad *
The proportion of 14-year-olds reaching the expected standard in English fell last year but by less than thought.
Full story
* Vitamins 'could shorten lifespan' *
Certain vitamin supplements may shorten rather than prolong lifespan, research has suggested.
Full story
* Drug 'stops HIV's entry to cells' *
A new HIV drug shows promising results in people for whom other treatments no longer work, a study suggests.
Full story
* Teenage test results not so bad *
The proportion of 14-year-olds reaching the expected standard in English fell last year but by less than thought.
Full story
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
記憶力を強くする - 池谷裕二
記憶力を強くする―最新脳科学が語る記憶のしくみと鍛え方 (ブルーバックス) | |
池谷 裕二 おすすめ平均 Amazonで詳しく見る by G-Tools |
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