Saturday, April 25, 2009


Wink - 窓の杜

Wink - DebugMode (オリジナル版) (Download)

Wink -
Wink -


Winkをためしてみよう。Tutorial 用っぽいし。

アウトプットは基本Flash か!ダメだわ。今回は。

Tutorials on Wink

Welcome to Wink
This version has been tested in Windows98, ME, 2000, XP and various distributions of Linux including Ubuntu, Gentoo, Fedora and Mandrake.

Two tutorial projects are present in this distribution. Once installed, run Wink and choose menu "Help > View tutorial 1". This will ask if you want to render now, choose yes. You will be shown the tutorial soon after the rendering is done.

The sample projects are named "tutorial1.wnk" and "tutorial2.wnk". These files are present in the Wink\Samples folder.

For more documentation, view the "Wink User Guide" in the Wink\Docs folder.

Installating Wink in Linux:
Run the "" shell script in the command prompt and it will prompt you for the path to install Wink. The default path should be fine but if you want to have other users also use Wink you can specify a system wide directory such as "/bin/wink".

The installer does not create any shortcuts to the Wink executable, if you want shortcuts you will have to create them on your own depending on which window manager you use.

Known issues in the Linux version:
1) The keyboard shortcuts and dialogs does not meet the UI guidelines for linux apps, it is more like a windows app. This is because Wink is ported from windows to linux and will be fixed in a later version.

2) The capture hotkeys may not work when a menu is open in any application because the window manager takes control of the keyboard and wink does not receive the events. As a workaround you can start timed capture just before opening the menu and keep it capturing shots as you open the menu and click on the menu item, then stop timed capture.

Happy winking ;)


画面動画キャプチャーソフト CamStudio 日本語版 | twk @ ふらっと

オリジナル版 (



How to use it:

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Google Summer Code 2009

Welcome to our GSOC 2009 students (by Helen Foster - Tuesday, 21 April 2009, 05:02 AM)
Congratulations and welcome to the following six students who will be working on Moodle projects over the next 3-4 months.
  • Andrei Băutu - Record audio repository plugin
  • Jose Cedeno - Blog-style course format
  • Olli Savolainen - Improve Moodle user experience consistency
  • Mihai Sucan - What you paint is what you get
  • Alberto J Varela - Google Gears integration
  • Chris Waclawik - XML templates for administrative settings
  • Please help and encourage our GSOC students wherever you can! 

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Moodle for Mobiles installation - MoodleDocs

Moodle for Mobiles installation - MoodleDocs

1.6用と1.9用をダウンロードしたとこまで。どこに install するのかが分からん。

ちょっとためしに(てきとうに)www ディレクトリに入れてみる。(upoに影響でるかね)

いい感じだけど、あと、course.lib のphpを書き換えるのか。これはちょっと upo に影響すると困るよね。試すなら、別のとこでやらないと。ふむむ。

もう一つ moodle 用意しちゃった :

Mobile Study | Mobile Quiz module for Moodle

Mobile Study | Mobile Quiz module for Moodle

Moodle Module

YouTube アカウント

YouTube に自分用のアカウントを作ると、お気に入りを集めたり、自分の動画をアップしたりできます。

(a) 新たに You Tube アカウントを用意することもできますが、(b) YouTube はGoogle アカウント(と連動させられます。

(a) のやり方で YouTube アカウントを用意する場合:

(1) YouTube ( を開けて、右上の Sign in ボタンをクリック。

(2) 次の画面が表示されるので、Username, Password に Gmail のアドレスとパスワードを入力。

(3) 以下の画面になるので、右側に、好きなユーザ名・誕生日など必要事項を記入してできあがり。
※ Terms of Use (使用規約) の左側にチェックを入れるのを忘れずに。

Cambridge English Readers - Cambridge University Press

Cambridge English Readers - Cambridge University Press

New titles coming soon!

Strong Medicine (with CD) Level 3 Richard MacAndrew

How I Met Myself (with CD) Level 3 David A. Hill

The Eye of the Storm (with CD) Level 3 Mandy Loader

The House by the Sea (with CD) Level 3 Tricia Aspinall

The Man from Nowhere Level 2 Bernard Smith

Different Worlds Level 2 Margaret Johnson

Within High Fences Level 2 Penny Hancock

Circle Games Level 2 Frank Brennan

Superbird Level 2 Brian Tomlinson

The Double Bass Mystery Level 2 Jeremy Harmer

A Picture to Remember Level 2 Sarah Scott-Malden

A Puzzle for Logan Level 2 Richard Macandrew