Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Moodle for Mobiles - MoodleDocs

Moodle for Mobiles - MoodleDocs

Feedback Activity
Quiz Activity

Moodle For Mobiles Created by...
  • Freelance Developer : Jamie Pratt
  • Sapporo Gakuin University: Don Hinkelman
  • Kanezawa Gakuin University: Gordon Bateson
  • Hokusei Gakuen University: Bob Gettings, Narumi Sekiya
  • Yamaguchi University: Tim Takemoto

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Coconuts Period




ココナッツピリオド 1 (1) (ビッグコミックス) 4091822207
山田 玲司

絶望に効くクスリ 14―ONE ON ONE (14) (ヤングサンデーコミックススペシャル)
絶望に効くクスリ 13―ONE ON ONE (13) (ヤングサンデーコミックススペシャル)
絶望に効くクスリ 12―ONE ON ONE (12) (ヤングサンデーコミックススペシャル)
非属の才能 (光文社新書)
水の鳥 (ヤングサンデーコミックススペシャル)
by G-Tools

狂骨の夢 - 京極夏彦

学生さんが持ってたよ、『狂骨』。Good Choice!!! (5年ぶりぐらいじゃないかね~京極もってる学生さんに会ったのは・・・というより、周りに京極読んでる人いなさすぎ!)



狂骨の夢 (講談社ノベルス)狂骨の夢 (講談社ノベルス)
京極 夏彦

文庫版 鉄鼠の檻 (講談社文庫) 文庫版 絡新婦の理 (講談社文庫) 魍魎の匣―文庫版 (講談社文庫) 文庫版 姑獲鳥の夏 (講談社文庫) 文庫版 塗仏の宴―宴の支度 (講談社文庫)

by G-Tools

悪党たちは千里を走る - 貫井徳郎

悪党たちは千里を走る (集英社文庫)
悪党たちは千里を走る (集英社文庫)貫井 徳郎

集英社 2008-09
売り上げランキング : 14508

by G-Tools

追憶のかけら (文春文庫)
天使のナイフ (講談社文庫)
あわせ鏡に飛び込んで (講談社文庫)
ママの狙撃銃 (双葉文庫)
クローズド・ノート (角川文庫)

* * * * *
『陽気なギャング~』とか『真夜中の~』 あたりを思い出してしまいましたが。


竜の眠る星 (第1巻) (白泉社文庫)
竜の眠る星 (第1巻) (白泉社文庫)清水 玲子


by G-Tools


4592886615輝夜姫 第1巻 (1) (白泉社文庫 し 2-16)
清水 玲子
白泉社 2007-05

by G-Tools

Metacognition: Map

Designing Metacognitive Maps for Web-Based Learning [pdf]

metacognition learning - Books

metacognition learning - Google Book Search

Metacognitive Skills

Metacognitive Skills

Metacognition and Learning

Metacognition and Learning



References and More Information

Brown, A.L., Bransford, J.D., Ferrara, R.A. & Campione, J.C. (1983). Learning, remembering, and understanding. In J.H. Flavell & E.M. Markman, eds. Vol. 3, Handbook of child psychology: cognitive development, 177-266. New York: Wiley

Ertmer, P.A. & Newby, T.J. (1996). The expert learner: strategic, self-regulated, and reflective. Instructional Science 24: 1-24. Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers

Grabinger, R.S. (1996). Rich environments for active learning. In D.H. Jonassen, ed. Handbook of research for educational communications and technology, 665-692. New York: Simon & Schuster Macmillan

Ridley, D.S., Schutz, P.A., Glanz, R.S. & Weinstein, C.E. (1992). Self-regulated learning: the interactive influence of metacognitive awareness and goal-setting. Journal of Experimental Education 60 (4), 293-306.

Winn, W. & Snyder D. (1996). Cognitive perspectives in pyschology. In D.H. Jonassen, ed. Handbook of research for educational communications and technology, 112-142. New York: Simon & Schuster Macmillan

Monday, December 15, 2008

Virtual Learning Environments

Virtual Learning Environments

Effectiveness Of Traditional And Blended Learning Environments

Effectiveness Of Traditional And Blended Learning Environments

Integrating Technology into a Traditional Learning Environment: Reasons for and Risks of Success -- Saunders and Klemming 4 (1): 74 -- Active Learning in Higher Education

Integrating Technology into a Traditional Learning Environment: Reasons for and Risks of Success -- Saunders and Klemming 4 (1): 74 -- Active Learning in Higher Education

Joel Arthur Thomas: e-Portfolion: Classroom Environment

Joel Arthur Thomas: e-Portfolion: Classroom Environment

Collaboration in a Traditional Classroom Environment -- JANDA 7 (3): 291 -- Written Communication

Collaboration in a Traditional Classroom Environment -- JANDA 7 (3): 291 -- Written Communication

Collaborative vs Traditional

Prospero Learning Solutions - Feature Highlights

Prospero Learning Solutions - Feature Highlights

Learners, Managers, Administrators

[Abstract] Applying an LMS to Large Language Classes

[Abstract] Applying an LMS to Large Language Classes

Individual Article $25.oo


Applying an LMS to Large Language Classes

P. Grew, I. Longhi, F. De Cindio, and L.A. Ripamonti (Italy)


: learning management system, LMS, on-screen testing, online teaching. Corresponding author: Philip Grew; Dipartimento di Informatica e Comunicazione, Universit degli Studi di Milano; Via Comelico


: Having applied an open-source LMS to about two thousand on-screen English exams for required courses that are part of the Universit di Milano's computer science short-degree program, the authors report on some of the interesting effects of using such a system. Large class size led to the adoption of an LMS designed for distance learning as a platform for automated test marking. A greater sense of belonging among students has resulted. Upon completion of a test, students immediately see where they stand vis--vis the group at large, and students who have not attended class can be brought into the system/community.

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