Monday, August 18, 2008


Developing a University-Wide Electronic Portfolio System for Teacher Education
Laurie Mullen, William I. Bauer, W. Webster Newbold (2001)


This document describes the collaborative process we have utilized in conceptualizing a electronic portfolio requirement for all teacher education majors. We outline the philosophical, logistical, and infrastructure considerations that have been part of the process along with the portfolio structure we have adopted; we demonstrate several examples of potential portfolio types and approaches; and we discuss the assessment timeline for portfolio evaluation.

Barrett, H. (2000). Electronic portfolios = multimedia development + portfolio development: The electronic portfolio development process. Electronic Portfolios: Information about Electronic Portfolio Development.
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Campbell, D.M., Cignetti, P.B., Melenyzer, B.J., Nettles, D.H., and Wyman, R.M. (1997). How to develop a professional portfolio: A manual for teachers. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
Hamp-Lyons, L., and Condon, W. (2000). Assessing the portfolio : principles for practice, theory & research. Cresskill, N.J: Hampton Press.
Katz, C.A., Johnson-Kuby, S.A. (1996). Like portfolios for assessment. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, v39(6), pp. 508-511.
Klenowski, V. (1998). Guidelines for portfolio use in initial teacher education. Paper and Monograph Series in Education. Centre for Research and International Collaboration. Hong Kong Institute of Education.
Wolf, K., Whinery, B. & Hagerty, P. (1995). Teaching portfolios and portfolio conversations for teacher educators and teachers. Action in Teacher Education, 17 (1), Spring, 30-39.
Yancey, K. B., and Weiser, I. eds. (1997). Situating portfolios: four perspectives. Logan, Utah : Utah State University Press.

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